10. Real talk

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He is not saying anything, not that I expect him to say anything because it will only make me more mad. I have been sleeping with someone I don't know. What was I even thinking? I wasn't thinking at all. I am so stupid for ever letting him in my life and in my bed...

"Tshisi..." he says after a minute

I look at him, he looks the same, the same way he was when I met him that day at the coffee shop. He is serious and looking at me like he sees me.

My phone beeps, it is the Uber driver, he's here. I walk to the car but Enzo...whoever his name is follows me to the car.

"Please don't...just stop." I speak

"I just want to talk" he answers, his eyes moves from mine to my lips then he swallows.

"I don't want to talk to you" I open the door but he shuts it, I look at the Uber driver, the guy looks pissed off.

Enzo knocks on the passenger window, then the driver opens the window.

"I'm sorry that you had to drive all the way here" Enzo says then reach for his pocket and takes his wallet and take out cash and give the driver. Who then looks at me but I shrug. That looks like a lot of money.

The driver says thank you and drive off.

"How much did you give him?" I ask

He looks at me, "I don't know. Can I take you home?" He asks

"No" I say firmly, but he just looks at me

"What were you trying to do back there?" He asks still serious

What is he talking about?

"Where?" I ask confused

"On the dance floor" he answers

Oh that...
"I was having fun, dancing until you decided to punch my partner..." I explain

He looks at me then puts his cigarette on his mouth and lights it, he exhale and face me again.

"Okay." He inhale again, why is he just looking at me? I look forward now thinking about requesting another ride, I can't just stand with him here all night.

"Let me drive you home" he says

I shake my head thinking of the worst case scenario.

"I just want to make sure you get home safe" he assures me

I roll my eyes at him.

"What is the worst thing that can happen to me, sleeping with another stranger?" I didn't want to say that at all.

"Can I take you home?" He asks now annoyed

I give in and follow him to his car, he opens the door for me but at this point I don't care about the gesture. He also gets in the car and drive silently, there's slow music playing on the background, it's enough to distract me from reality. The fact that I just learned that I am beyond stupid, that this man made a scene in front of my sister or maybe the fact that the secret might not be a secret anymore.

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