14. Childish things

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When i got to the warehouse i found Enzo waiting for me in my office, he looks like he just figured out my mess and definitely not happy about it.
Enzo and I more than just childhood friends but more like brothers. His father is the one that got my father involved in the smuggling operations and introduced him to the mafia. My father was a cop and on his way digging the Martinez family's riches and illegal dealings, he found himself drawn to their wealth and a good to self destruction.

That was after I was born, him and my mother got separated. Him being part of the mafia was his way of proving to my mother that he was more than an incompetent cop who could not keep his family together. So he accepted the Don's requests to be his eyes and ears in the SAPS, that went well for him and he managed to get my mother back, and scored himself a right hand man's position in the cartel. Soon my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, with my dad loving her more than he loved himself, he tried to buy her time with all the best doctors and treatment he could think of but it was about time he accepted that she was dying. He was miserable for years and soon after Rodriguez Martinez passed away and left Enzo under my father's care and everything he has over to my father.

Four years ago my father fell in love again with a girl my age, she came to our house as one of my father's mistresses and she never left. She made him laugh a lot, he was no longer just an angry mafia Don driven by power to his downfall but this time he was driven by her. What i saw in his eyes when he looked at her made me hate him for being weak, he took the business and transformed it into what it is now. What it would have never been if Rodriguez was still alive before he was more about drugs and he wanted to be the Pablo Escobar of his time. So this brown eyed girl with a bad fashion sense was all it took to strip my father's dignity from a Don to a man who just wants her.

Ndinae knew how I hated her, Enzo however believed I wanted her. That my feelings for her were clouded by hatred, jealousy and anger not only towards her but also my father.

"I think the Don is about to name the new Donna, it has been a while since I've been waiting for this." Enzo says

"He won't do that, she cannot be the Donna. She is bad news and I won't allow her to be part of the family business." I protest

"That is not your choice to make, she might be a knucklehead but she is your father's knuckhead. Don't even think for a second that you will try to interfere with this, because I won't let you..." Enzo now serious

"And what are you going to do about it ?" I ask provoking him

"Everything, you know that Vhuthu. I heard your little conversation in the kitchen the other day with her and I can say she is right, you are jealous of your own father. I just didn't believe that fact that you tried proving a point by asking her to sleep with you, just to hurt your father. what the fuck is this about Vhuthu, entitlement?" He asks

"What do you mean by that? I only said what she has been trying to do with me ever since she came to this house. And I know she tried to mess with you too, so just stop." I put a cigarette on my lips

"She was just securing her space. Not knowing where she stands with your father, made her feel like she has to mess around. But now we know where your father stands with her." Enzo

"But I don't know where she stands with him. And that is why I had to do that." I answer

"You feel entitled to have everything your father has, but now it is showing up on his woman too. Don't think for a second I buy the 'i hate her' story. You might move your Dad with that but to me it is just fucken annoying. If you do anything to Ndinae, I won't hesitate to kill you myself, brother." Enzo says then walk away leaving me standing.

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