13. A mess

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When I got to my apartment, i found Jake there already with Andani. I have no idea what they want here.

"Gentlemen, there was really no need for you to break in my apartment." I walk in and take off my shirt and now im left with a vest.

"You might just be the only man i know who can open every door Vhuthu, how you do it is a mystery." Andani speaks

"It is a trait of mine..." I answer

"Yeah, the kind that can make you end up in prison." Jake says with a straight face then clears his throat.

I sit on the couch and look at them, wait for who is going to cut to the chase.

"The shooting, that was a giant mess." Jake breaks the silence

My eyes move to him and stay there.
"Did you shoot her?"

I know he didn't, but a part of me doubts him. He is someone who never kept his word even in the past and that made us not get along. I hated how far he would go to protect his family and even breaking the codes for the mafia just to save his parents who are obsessed with things going their way.

"I wouldn't have missed, especially that close. And besides, I have nothing against the two of you. I told you that already." He explains

"And that makes you think I believe you?" I ask

Jake tries to smiles but choose not to.
"Because I need you to protect Molly..." He answer in a low tone

"Still about her, just how far are you willing to go for her?" Andani asks sounding annoyed

He looks at him then back at me.
"I can help you find out who did this." Jake offers

"In return for?" I ask

"Thandi, I want her out." He answers

"Why?" I ask
For all i know, he was the one who put her in. To cover up his mess.

"It will not take long for me to get to the bottom of this, i expect the same from you." Jake gets up

"Is this about Molly?" I ask

He stops then looks at me for a bit.
"Fixing a mess is what I do, not anything I do is about Molly." He answers

"On the contrary, everything you do now is about her. You manipulative piece of shit." Andani grits at Jake, then face me.

"He got my daughter involved in his mess, just so that Molly can see him for what he is not." Andani adds

"That is not the whole version of events..." Jake claims

"If I find out you had anything to do with this, i will kill Molly myself." I say looking at Jake

"No, you won't. I don't give a fuck who in you are, if you touch even a hair on her head, you won't live to see your precious Tshisi getting married..." Jake now all fired up

"Enough with the threats Capos, we dont have to war against each other all for these ladies now do we?" Enzo

When did he get here?

"I will kill you." I say to Jake

He doesn't answer

"I had to get here ASAP, Cage was kind enough to lend me his jet just to deliver a message." Enzo hands me an envelope

I open to find, 'YOU STILL OWE ME MY MY DIAMONDS' it reads.
I feel my throat crack up as i swallow

"Your father drank some few pills after reading that, thinking he could kill himself before the Colombians get to him." Enzo reports

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