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Rika takes the elevator back up to the sixth floor and Jin's room. Exiting the elevator she turns to the right, heading toward the nurses's station instead. She pauses midway taking another minute to consider how best to proceed. As she continues and rounds the corner into the open area of the station, she sees the nurse who was with her yesterday is on duty again.

"Excuse me." Rika begins as she approaches the desk.

"Oh, hi!" She says as she looks up over the edge of the counter. "Is Mr Yoshikawa out of surgery?"

Well, at least she seems to remember me... "Yes," Rika replies, "I'm just coming from there. He's on his way to the recovery room now."

"Did you get to speak with the doctor?"

"Yes," Rika nods, "just for a minute. "he said the surgery went well and he should have a full recovery."

"Oh that's good." She sounds genuinely relieved. "And it's good it was his leg and not his arm, too. I think if there had been any question about him being able to continue working the hospital would have been deluged with concerned fans." She laughs. "As it is, he already has almost another entire room filled with flowers and gifts. It helps that the press has been kept to a minimum too. At least for the time being." She stops talking her face colouring slightly for a moment. "I'm sorry, you probably came here for a reason which wasn't to hear me prattling on like a fangirl – not that I am one of course." She laughs and Rika joins her.

"Well, actually," Rika begins, "apparently my phone went missing at some point yesterday during the accident and Mr. Yoshikawa's phone was damaged beyond repair. So I don't have any of the contact numbers for the people I'm supposed to be keeping updated. I didn't want to have to trek back to the studio right now and Mr. Yoshikawa's still going to be out for a while yet. I was wondering if you had the numbers for his family and his agent in his file?"

"Oh sure, hold on a minute while I pull it up for you."

Rika sighs mentally at her ability to make her search sound legitimate.

The nurse gets up and goes to a computer on the other side of the kiosk. She types in her query, patient's name and admission date, grabing a pad and pen while she waits for the file to come up.

"Okay, here we go." She says after a minute. She begins writing then stops. She scrolls down the page, then clicks on another screen. "That's odd." She says as she logs out of the system and gets up. She steps back over to the front of the counter where Rika's waiting.

"What is it?" She asks as the nurse comes back and hands her a small slip of paper.

"Well, that's Mr. Sanada's number, his agent from Regency Entertainment." She nods toward the slip of paper in Rika's hand. "And the only other contact information listed is yours. The two of you are listed as next of kin - there's no contact information for his family."

The nurse looks at Rika across the counter.

"That is odd." Rika agrees. "Maybe Mr. Sanada will have a number to reach his family. They must not know what happened; nobody's been here to see him."

The nurse nods. "And I'm pretty sure his dad at least is still in Japan - not speaking as a fangirl who would know that kind of thing." She smiles at Rika and Rika laughs.

"Of course not." She agrees. "I'll try Mr.Sanada before I head over to the studio. Mr. Yoshikawa should be coming back to his room in a little while so I'll see if I can get it taken care of before then. Thank you for all your help." Rika says as she bows politely to the nurse.

"Oh you're welcome!" The nurse replies. "Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in the future. I'm Nurse Kumara." She says, returning Rika's bow. "If you need anything, just call the station and ask."

"Thank you again." Rika nods then turns to head back to Jin's room.

She's a wealth of information.

I wonder why he doesn't have his family information listed on his hospital records? I wonder if his family even knows he's in the hospital? I can't very well call his agent; he would have no knowledge of me since my being 'hired' on as his manager just happened yesterday. I'd probably be mistaken for one of his fangirls trying to get stalker type information...

She is just about to Jin's room when she sees the ajacent door also has his name on it.

This must be the room Nurse Kumara was talking about. She opens the door to go inside. She doesn't make it past the doorway. The nurse wasn't exagerating when she said it was almost full - if anything, she underestimated the contents.

Rika is completely taken aback by the shear volume of items in the room. She stands hand still on the door, surveying the contents in awe.

I don't think I've ever seen so many flowers in one place - out side of our parents' funeral, that is. And not just the flowers; cards, posters, ornately gift-wrapped packages, and hand-made items. Candy, snacks, alcohol – expensive alcohol...  

She recognizes a few of the labels, campaigns she had worked on, all exclusive, top-shelf brands. She stands for another moment trying to take it all in before closing the door again and continuing to the room next door.

There was so much in there, and apparently from a very diverse fan base judging by the offerings... So many people must really care about this man...

So just why is it he was on that bridge?

She keeps coming back to that same question.

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