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While she's waiting for the soup to reheat, she returns to the table to remove her empty dishes to the sink. Jin and Lucky momentarily cease their hushed discussion as they watch her. She picks up her empty soup bowl with one hand then turns slightly to retrieve her rice bowl with the other. The change in angles inadvertently causing her hand to pass through Lucky's right shoulder. She freezes and looks down to where he sits in her chair, seeming to make eye contact with him.

"Jin she can see me." Lucky says unable to look away from her.

"There's no way..." Jin starts to say, but he looks over at her, eyes locked on Lucky's, and realizes he's right - just as the bowls fall from her hands shattering on the stone floor.

"Lucky..." she says in a barely audible whisper, then all her muscles seem to stop working at once and she collapses.

Jin watches as she begins to fall, in what seems like slow motion, but he's still unable to round the table quickly enough to catch her before her head hits the floor.

"Jeez-is! " A chill runs through him seeing her lying unconscious amidst the remains of the bowls.

"How the hell did that happen?!" He picks her up and carries her the few feet over to the couch.

"Just how the hell was she able to see you like that all of a sudden?" He lays her down, elevating her head slightly and taking care to avoid putting any pressure on the sizable lump already forming on the back of it.

He goes to the studio to get his phone and calls Kim.

"So what is it today Jin?" He asks as soon as he picks up. "Another failed suicide attempt? You must have really botched this one badly if you're able to make the call yourself."

Jin ignores his sarcasm. "It's Rika. She fell and she's unconscious. Can you "

Kim cuts him off, not waiting for him to finish, "I'll be right there." and hangs up.

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