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"Rika! Rika! Are you okay?" Officer Yamada calls to her as he pulls on her door attempting to open it. He gets no response from either, both suffering effects of the recent impact; the door frame having been bent when the roof caved in and Rika having been knocked unconscious.

"Rika!" He calls again this time reaching through the open window, shaking her gently. The slight movement is enough to rouse her and she turns toward him as she lifts her head from the steering wheel.

Dazed and unmoving, it takes her a minute to formulate a question.

"What happened?"

"Let's get you out of there first, then we'll worry about the rest." Renewing his efforts on the door now that he sees she's okay, he glances over at the man on the ground in front of her car. Now quiet and laying still, he's watching the proceedings intently as Officer Yamada works to free Rika from the car.

After a few more attempts and the judicious application of a pry bar, the door finally gives way and he reaches in to help her out. She's just about to take his hands when a stricken look crosses her face and she suddenly pulls away.

""No! Lucky! I can't leave him here!" Eyes wide with panic as if she'd just woken up and remembered the situation.

"Rika you're probably going to need to go to the hospital and your car will have to be towed. He didn't make it honey, I'm sorry. We did everything we could."

"No! I can't leave him here, I'm not leaving him!" She says frantically as she pulls further into the car to avoid his reach.

"Alright, honey, alright, just calm down. You don't have to leave him, but we need to get you out of the car, okay? Let's wrap him in a blanket and you carry him with you."

Eyes rimmed with tears beginning to overflow, she shakily nods her consent. As Officer Yamada goes to retrieve a blanket from his emergency kit, she reaches behind the seat, grabbing a large floral satchel and unceremoniously up-ending its contents onto the floor. He comes back to the car carrying two blankets, one of which he hands to Rika. He stands silently watching as she gently lifts Lucky's body from the passenger's seat and wraps it in the blanket before placing it in the bag she emptied for the purpose. Holding the bag tightly against her chest, she takes Officer Yamada's hand allowing him to help her from the car without further issue. He walks her over to his bike, settling her on the ground next to it, then takes the other blanket as he finally goes to attend to the jumper.

He verifies the location of the ambulance and it's ETA through his headset then begins speaking to the man on the ground.

"The ambulance is on its way." He says. "It should be here in a few minutes but they still seem to be having some trouble getting through." He crouches down next to the man, looking him over, making sure there aren't any obvious external injuries needing to be dealt with immediately.  Other than the leg and a few minor cuts and scrapes, he seems to be in remarkably good shape, considering.

The man on the ground momentarily turns his attention away from Rika to look at Officer Yamada. His gaze intense.

"Tell her I'm okay, tell her I'm still here Officer Yamada." He says, the urgency in his voice equalling the intensity of his eyes. "Please, tell her it's alright now. Tell her I didn't go – I'm right here."

Officer Yamada looks at him quizzically. "Do you know Rika?" He asks.

"Yes, almost my whole life; tell her I'm still here. Tell her everything's going to be okay now." His tone is escalating as he becomes increasingly anxious. "Please, please just tell her - I don't want her to be worried anymore. Please!"

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