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Officer Yamada meets the paramedics when they arrive, filling them in as the get out their equipment to attend to the injured.

"Has he lost consciousness at all?" The one paramedic asks.

"No, and he's been coherent the whole time."

"So there was no cranial impact when he landed?"

"No, his leg seemed to take the brunt of it, then he rolled from the car onto the ground."

"What about the girl next to him? Was she involved?"

"She was in the car when he landed; her head struck the steering wheel and she was out for a couple of minutes."

"How's she been otherwise?"

"A little disoriented but I think that's as much the situation as the injury."

"Yeah, well that's understandable. We'll check her out here, but I'm sure they'll want us to bring her in for a CT,  just to be on the safe side."

"That's what I told her." Officer Yamada says, looking down at her as he and the paramedics reach  where she and the jumper are on the ground in front of her car. "Rika," he begins, "do you want me to"

"No." She says cutting him off. She shakes her head, pulling the bag a little closer. "I'll take care of it."

He looks at her another minute, then sighs. "Okay, honey. I'll try and get to the hospital in a bit to check on you. I expect to be here for a while while we wrap everything up."

"That's okay, I know you're busy. I'm glad we ran into you again. Thank you for..." Eyes beginning to fill with tears again, she closes them tightly, taking a deep breath before she continues. "For everything. Please give my regards to Mrs. Yamada." She smiles.

"I will, honey, I will." He smiles back at her. "And I know she's going to want to have you over as soon as you can make it."

"I'd like that." She says nodding.

"Okay, honey, I'll be in touch." He pauses glancing toward the back of her car again as he starts toward his bike. "Rika, you know if you ever need anything..."

"I know." She smiles up at him. "I know."

He continues to his bike, taking another call before finally mounting it and heading to join the crew on the upper span.

Having determined the jumper's injuries aren't life threatening, the paramedics divide up in order to expedite their departure with one attending to the jumper and the other to Rika.

"So you're the jumper." The one working on him inquires.

"More or less." Is Lucky's reply.

"More or less?"

"I had changed my mind and was on my down when I fell." Lucky clarifies.

"I guess it's a good thing you didn't die then, huh?"

"Definitely." He says looking over at Rika while she's being evaluated by the other paramedic.

"Okay, so, your name?" The paramedic asks, verifying as he prepares to type his patient's information into his hand-set.

"Jin Yoshikawa." Lucky answers, having picked up that much at least from their conversations with Corkle.


Lucky looks to Corkle.

"Well?" The paramedic asks, still looking at him expectantly.

"Oh, Yes." Corkle says as he extends his left hand, the rice paper-esque sheet returning and at the pass of his hand, once more covered with the same odd script from earlier.

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