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"Oh, yes. Simply focus your attention."

"What?" Jin turns to face Corkle again.

"Focus your attention."

"I heard you the first time. That wasn't what I meant."

"It is merely a matter of setting your intention and focusing your attention. The same as you did on the bridge right after the accident."

Jin remains staring at him.

"Just decide to be back in your body and think of yourself as there."

"That's it?"

"Should there be something else?" Corkle asks nonplussed.

"You know, once I get this sorted out, you and I are having a serious talk." Jin shakes his head, glaring. "All I have to do is decide to be back in my body... Why the hell didn't you just tell me that before?!"

"It would not have been so simple yesterday. Lucky would not have allowed it and blocked your re-entry which could have unwittingly had lasting repercussions. If you will recall, that is why I said it would be best to attempt to return when he was under the effects of the sedation and so weaked." Corkle responds with an annoyed glare of his own. "Perhaps since the out come of the events transpiring are of relative importance to you, you would be wise to pay attention to what is said."

"And perhaps, if you didn't try to see just how many freakin' words you could cram into every freakin' sentence it'd be a hell of a lot easier!"

"Set your intention to return to your body and focus you attention on being back within it. Work with Lucky to bring your body to a state of consciousness so that you are able to speak with Rika. I am unable to explain it in any simp-"

And as suddenly as that, Jin is gone leaving Corkle talking to the empty air next to him.

"Well, this should prove to be quite interesting indeed. And I must admit, I am rather curious about the senior Mr. Yoshikawa, that the thought of an impending visit would be able to induce such a state in his progeny."

A sound slowly begins seeping into the deep recesses of Lucky's consciousness. Someone is calling his name from a long way off.

He doesn't recognize the voice, but the urgency in their tone seems to be increasing.

It's not Rika - no, it's definitely a male voice...

That scumbag, Tak?!

No... it's not him either.

Geez, who is it and what do they want? Can't they see I'm trying to sleep?

What on earth is so important that they have to keep yelling like that and wake me up?

It's really comfortable here - or it was...

Can't they just go away and let me sleep? Geez!

So annoying!


Geez! Geez! Gee...


That's Jin's voice!

"Jin? Jin! Why do you keep calling me like that; what's going on?

Hey Jin! Where are you and why can't I open my eyes? Jin!"

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