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Corkle and Jin watch as the recovery room nurse checks Lucky's vital sign readings and adjusts the flow of his IV. She finishes notating the information on his chart then walks across the room to check on one of the other patients.

"I thought you said I should get back in my body while he was knocked out?" Jin asks.

"That would be correct."

"So, I get the bit about it might have caused problems during the surgery, but what's the hold up now?"

"There is the possibility that when you attempt to rejoin -"

"Attempt? What do you mean attempt?" Jin cuts in, eyeing him suspiciously. "Is there some reason I wouldn't be able to?"

"If I may be allowed to continue," Corkle responds with a reproachful glare, "there is the possibility that the infusion of a second soul into your physical form will result in a temporary anomaly in its life functions which would be picked up by the monitoring equipment."


"If that were to occur, it would likely be misconstrued as a medical emergency and treated as such."

"Again, so...? Wait, what do you mean misconstrued as a medical emergency? What kind of anomaly?"

"It is possible that the heart could become arrhythmic or cease functioning."

"And that's not a medical emergency?!"

"No, it is not. The effect would be brief in duration, righting itself on its own and posing no threat to the well-being of your physical form. However, if medical intervention were to occur at that point it could be quite the opposite."

Jin looks at him questioningly.

"Standard emergency treatment with regard to heart function in this time period is still the application of a high voltage electric current, I believe, is it not?"

Jin nods.

"As Lucky's soul was recently introduced to your body and your soul has been absent for an extended period, it is unlikely either soul would have sufficient cohesion at present in order to remain attached through such a procedure."

"You mean that "

"Yes. both souls would most likely become detached and ejected from your body resulting in the cessation of all life functions."

"Then -" Jin begins.

Corkle continues without notice. "Once the medical personnel are satisfied that there are no undue complications from the surgical procedure or the anesthesia, he will no longer require attachment to equipment monitoring life functions and he will be returned to the room. At such time, he will still be sufficiently under the effects of the sedation so that your re-entry into your physical form should be able to be undertaken and completed without additional incident."

Jin remains looking at him several more seconds, scowling slightly and shaking his head. "I hope they don't pay you by the word, your boss would go under in about a week."

"I beg your pardon -"

"What ever." Jin says. "Just drop it. Anyway, fine, I get it - I'll wait."

A little while later, his IV nearly finished, the nurse returns to check on his progress.

"Mr. Yoshikawa?" She pulls his hand from under the blanket placing her fingertips on the inside of his wrist. Her attention alternating between her watch and the monitor read-out as she speaks to him.

"Mr. Yoshikawa, are you awake?"

Lucky stirs slightly in response to her voice and her touch.

"Mr. Yoshikawa, can you open your eyes for me?"

Lucky's eyes open haltingly. His focus drifts from the nurse who's speaking, to the pair standing just behind her left shoulder.

"Were you here the whole time?" He asks. The question slow and drawn out.

"It's not like there's anywhere else I can go." Jin responds.

"Right." He smiles. "Rika... Is Rika okay? She's still here isn't she?"

"How the hell would I know? I just told you I've been here the whole time."

"Oh, right." He smiles again.

"Mr. Yoshikawa?"

"Jin that's you." Lucky says.

"Not at the moment it's not."

"Oh yeah, I forgot I'm you."

"Mr. Yoshikawa?" The nurse repeats, turning to follow Lucky's line of sight. She sees nothing.

"Uh-huh, I'm Jin now. I forgot." He says, focus returned to the nurse.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Hospital." He says taking a deep breath and letting his eyes close again for a moment. "They fixed my leg and that was all."

The nurse smiles and nods. "Everything went well and you're in recovery now. How are you feeling?"

"I feel funny; I don't like it."

She smiles again. "That's the anesthesia. You'll feel better once it's worn off completely."

She moves to the end of the bed, pulling back the sheet to examine his leg.

"Do you have a lot of pain?" She asks as she checks his reflexes and blood flow.

"Nope - cats are like that," he says smiling, "but I'm really sleepy."

"That's alright." She says. "You can go back to sleep. We'll be taking you back up to your room now."

"Good, Rika's in my room." He smiles, finally giving up the battle with his eyelids. "Rika's waiting for me."

And he's out again.

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