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~one day, one life, one breath~ 

Wheeze... wheeze... wheeze... gasp... then nothing.

The sound, or lack there of, comes from the passenger in the seat of a blue subcompact two-seater as it deftly wends its way through the congested traffic of a late Friday afternoon.

The people who are in the city are trying to get out, the people who are out are trying to get in; everybody wants to be where ever they're not and the traffic is testament to that.

Rika, however, just wants to get to the hospital on the other side of the Yokogiru-Machi Bridge.

"Come on, just breathe. I know you can do it. We're almost there."

She glances over at him, his eyes fixed on hers.

"Okay, I know it's hard, but you're going to keep doing it anyway, for me, right?"

"We'll be there in a few minutes. It's just on the other side of the bridge. Dr. Kane's going to take care of you when we get there. And I know you'll be okay 'cause we have a deal. Twenty more years right?"

She glances over at him again, the same fierce expression meeting her eyes.

The gasping and panting continue as she turns her attention back to the roadway and increasing traffic.

She tries to keep her focus on anything else; the impending dusk and it's promise of an exquisite sunset, the beautiful structure of this antiquated bridge that she's crossed too many times to even begin to remember, the delicious, nearly end of summer air that's the perfect temperature and carries just the faintest hint of salt as sea and river again mingle on the incoming tide.

But it's impossible. To her, it seems like the wheezing and gasping are about to overtake the drone of the car engine. A moment later, when the sounds stop, the sudden silence does - exploding in her ears and drowning out everything else.

"NO!" Her hand is on him instantly. "No, come on, you can do it we're almost there."

In response, the struggled breathing begins again.

"You can do it, we're just to the bridge, right across and we're there. Five minutes. Eight and a half tops.  I already called so Dr. Kane is waiting for us. He's the doctor you saw last time, remember? He was really nice, you liked him a lot. Just hold on a little bit more, okay?"

Please, please hang on. You can't leave yet we have a deal, twenty more years... at least... please. Please not today.

In her focus on her passenger she hasn't noticed the traffic slowing. Or all the police. And now, nearly to the top of the bridge, everyone is stopped. The only movement is that of emergency vehicles on the shoulders as they drive past the stopped cars.

Trying to control her panic, trying not to cry, she realizes it's game over. Five minutes would have been a stretch, eight and a half would have been a miracle, but stopped... She knows there isn't any time left...

She closes her eyes.

Mother, Father, Jesus, Buddha, Allah: PLEASE!

She takes a deep breath as she opens them again. Smiling brightly, she turns to her passenger.

"It's okay, we just had to stop for a second. You're working so hard. I am so grateful, stay with me okay? Aja, aja! Fighting! You can do it!" She pumps her fist in the air, before reaching over gently stroking the side of his face. His eyes are locked on hers as he struggles to continue what is barely recognizable as breathing.

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