·.° ☆ Chapter Five- Trapped

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[Near Morning Time]
—> Your Pov <—
The sun from the vent above startled me wake a bit, and I had realized my head was on the ground now so I guess the ghost person moved. I had sat up and looked over at Robin who was still sound asleep.
"He must be very tired."
I whispered in a low voice as I got up to look around for a bit and trying to think of a plan.
"I know the house pretty well, but not so much on what he would do if we got out."
I had been mumbling over a plan for god knows what time, till Robin said something to me that made me stop pacing around the room.
"Are you gonna continue mumbling or what?"
He asked while I gave him a frustrated face back.
"You got any plan of getting out of here then?"
I asked back and he just shrugged, before we could continue are conversation the lights turned on and the door opened.
"Why good morning."
He said as he greeted us and I soon walked over and stood in front of Robin just in case.
"Oh don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you both.. just giving some breakfast that's all."
I gave him a questionable look as he sat down the tray of eggs and a soda in front of me.
"What did you put on it?"
I asked and he stood back up and crossed his arms.
"Just salt and pepper like usual."
I gave him a look and soon he turned away and went back upstairs, locking the door once again and turning the lights off.
[About An Hour Later]
—> Your Pov <—
Robin seemed to be getting worse by the hours, he hasn't left the bed for a while. I keep waiting for him to come back downstairs and for me to beg my father for bandages or something just to help him, but I have a feeling Robin isn't going to survive this..
All I could do would be just to stay with him the best I could, and he seemed to just enjoy that. He was losing blood a lot and I tried a lot to let it stop, but soon Robin told me to just give up because he was giving up on himself too.
I would take his hand and just try to comfort him, and not making him move or do anything but I know that I will have to make it out alone on this one. Robin would start telling me stories of what him and the boy Finney would do like watch movies, Finney helping him with math, and more.
Robin was smiling and I knew he was just trying to make me and himself helping before death came to him. At least I got him to eat some as well and drink some of the soda and I guess that kinda helped, but I don't know what else to do..
"Hey Robin?"
I would ask and he would turn his head to me
He said as a response.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get you out."
I said as I turned to him and squeezing his hand as well, Robin soon kinda nodded and then said
"At least you tried, and hey at least I get to not die alone."
He'd smile and I'm not even sure I could smile back, but I did with tears rolling down my cheeks and soon him laughing at me for crying and me teasing him back.
"I'm so sorry Robin."
I thought to myself.
[Couple Hours Later]
—> Robin's Pov <—
I was getting sleepier by the minutes, and all I could feel was Y/n moving their thumb on the back of my hand over and over. I'm really not sure if they have even given up yet, but I'm glad they are trying to comfort me at least.
They are trying to keep me awake as well because I know they don't want to alone in this and I don't want them to be either.
"Hey Y/n, thanks."
I said and they looked over and just smiled while I smiled back.
"Remember, I'm always here and won't go away."
That made them tear up and bit and soon they hugged me and i slowly hugged them back.
Soon I felt everything going cold and my eyes going heavy.
"..Thanks again.."
I said and soon just blackness.
[Couple Mins]
—> Your Pov <—
I was holding Robin in my arms, crying while trying to contain myself from panicking next. He was really gone and I was really alone now, I don't know what to do and I'm slowly giving up. Soon my dark thoughts started coming in.
"Why did I even chose to come down here.
I hate myself.
I'm so stupid for not saving him.
Why not me?
Such an idiot."
My thought ring though my head and soon I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped a bit.
"Didn't mean to startled you.."
The boy said as he stood behind me and I just looked at him crying, I was the one guy that I saw in my room the one day and now he was hugging me? I didn't know if I could hug back, so I just sat there in sadness, confusion, anger, and more as he disappeared slowly.
—> Your Pov <—
I couldn't sleep, not after what happened. I just sat in the corner staring, hoping something would happen, waiting, and wondering.
Soon the door had opened and it was my father.
"Well well, i see your little friend didn't last long."
I had just said silent as he came Over to me and moved my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead with taking his mask somewhat off.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you at all dear."
Soon he grabbed the food from the stairs after getting up and put it on the ground.
"Get some rest and eat."
He said before closing the door and not locking it..
He didn't lock it?
Hold up what?
I can go?!
#forgot to upload on the weekend
Well I guess keep in mind you don't know if this will be a happy ending or sad 🙀
Thank you for reading this so far, I'm absolutely in love with this story and after this is done feel free to give me suggestions!!
1074 words

————-#forgot to upload on the weekend Well I guess keep in mind you don't know if this will be a happy ending or sad 🙀Thank you for reading this so far, I'm absolutely in love with this story and after this is done feel free to give me suggestion...

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