·.° ☆ Chapter Six- I Have to Fix This.

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—> Your Pov <—
Thinking about just going up in leaving, feels like literally freedom. I got up and quickly went to the door and slowly opened it, before I could even take a step up the stairs the phone started to ring..
I looked over and then looked at the broken wire. How the fuck was it ringing?! I soon went over to it and picked it up.
I said and waiting for a response and no response, I hung up the phone and went back towards the stairs till it started ringing again..
"Are you serious.."
I said as I walked back over and then answered it and put it to my ear.
HOLY SHIT, I soon dropped the phone and backed away as I didn't hang it up and so I slowly went back towards the phone and put it against my ear once again..
"Don't hang up."
The person said on the other line.
"I won't."
I said in a response, and now wondering who was talking to me.
"Who are you?"
I asked as I turned around to look different ways to see if he would appear like they usually but no.
"I don't remember."
He said and I knew I needed to find out who it was and it could have been someone from before I have seen..
"Did you play soccer? Football Even?"
I asked as I knew I could ask all different questions to find out what missing boy it was.
"I delivered newspapers."
I thought for a moment as he said that and soon got an idea on who it was.
"Billy, You're Billy Showalter."
I said and soon remember that was the boy I had drawn in my room that one day.
"Maybe. Do not go upstairs.
He didn't say you could leave, so if you try he'll punish you.
He will beat you with that fucking belt till you pass out. It hurts kid, it hurts."
He said and soon the phone hung up randomly and I was so confused, but hung it up on my end.
So don't go upstairs.. got it. I looked at the food on the ground and decided not to eat, soon looking over at the bed where Robin was, but the grabber took him with him to bury him I guess..
[Later in The Night]
—> Your Pov <—
I'm slowly losing hope, I don't know how to get out of here. I keep waiting for the phone to ring but nothing is happening it is just silence. The food on the ground was still cold and I wasn't gonna eat it anyways.  The grabber hadn't even came down after giving me the food, but the door was still unlocked so I went over and opened the door and looked up the stairs to see a the lights still on and then there it was again.. the phone ringing.
I quickly ran over and picked it up again and waited for a response this time.
"You said my name was billy."
It was the same kid as before thank god!
"Yeah, Billy Showalter."
I Said in response to his question.
"Don't call me that, I don't remember that. That isn't who I am now."
I soon noticed as the bottle from earlier started to shake/spin around as he continued to talk to me.
"What do you want me to call you then?"
I asked and I stepped closer to the bottle on the ground.
"I told you, I was a paperboy."
I nodded my head and then started to ask more things
"Billy, I mean paperboy. How do I get out?"
I started to look around the room to see if I could find anything, but he soon answered.
"You see the wall separated from the floor, there is a cable line you can use."
I was so confused Like what could I even use that for to be honest.
"What do I even use that for?"
Soon the bottle started to spin and then pointed at the window up top.
I soon nodded and before hanging up said thank you and hung up the phone, running over to where the wall was separated from the floor and got the line he was talking about and then went back to the window.
I tried throwing it up there, but no use. Soon I looked around and wasn't sure what to use from there either.
Soon I went to hide the line, but saw the rugs all together and got an idea and grab one and pulled it over to where the window was and put the cord in and soon pushed it up in order to get to the window.
Soon it got there and I grabbed the other end after getting some of it down and tugged on it to make sure it was stable enough and tied the end and put my foot there.
I started to climb it while having my feet on the wall and soon I got to the window and stretched out my hand to try and unlock the window.
I was struggling very badly till the vent came out of place and I fell down and hit the floor.
I rubbed the back of my head from the fall and soon went to sit back on the bed. What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't even get up there and digging more will just be useless.
I was just laying there on the bed and staring at the ceiling..
"I have to fix this."
I said as everything started to get dark and soon I was asleep.

Holy crap! There is a lot of you reading this and like wow wow 🫶 I hope you all are enjoying this and I promise it will get more interesting once we get to the chapter "New Boy"!
984 words

———-Holy crap! There is a lot of you reading this and like wow wow 🫶 I hope you all are enjoying this and I promise it will get more interesting once we get to the chapter "New Boy"!984 words———-

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