Chapter 15: Escape

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Liana's at the Daily Planet just finishing up some work before she goes on her romantic getaway with Clark

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Liana's at the Daily Planet just finishing up some work before she goes on her romantic getaway with Clark. Clark walks in and Liana says, "Ah, perfect timing. Articles are in, phone calls have been returned and I am officially ready for our magical mystery weekend." Clark smiles and says, "That's great, so let's escape before Randall sends you on an assignment. Where's your bag?" Liana gets up from her desk and pulls out her duffle and says, "Right here." Clark grabs her bag, and she says, "So where are we going?" Clark says, "It's kind of Scottish. Some place called the McDougal Inn." Later, they arrive at the Inn and Liana says, "I know it's called a bed and breakfast, but missing dinner is a definite bust, I'm starving. And I already ate the granola bars that I packed for the road." Clark puts the bags on the ground and says, "Liana, we wouldn't have been late if we hadn't driven 40 miles out of our way to see the world's largest ball of yarn." Liana smiles at Clark and she says, "You'll thank me later." Clark taps the bell, and a woman comes down the stairs and says, "Yes, can I help you?" Liana smiles and says, "Hey." Clark says, "Sorry about that. Uh, we're late. The reservation's under Kent." The woman, whose name is Maggie says, "Oh, I apologize, but thanks to the storm the room you reserved sprang a leak. I tried to call, but the line wouldn't connect. Cell reception is horrible around here." Clark says, "Well, that's f-fine. We'll, um, take any room that you have available." Maggie says, "Uh, there... isn't one. Before I realized the pipe had burst, I gave the last room away." Clark says, "Uh, what-what room is it, exactly? Maybe I can fix the pipe." Maggie says, "Um, if you'd like to try it's the last room on the left." Clark then leaves and Liana grabs the bags and as she does, she accidently rips a painting and she says, "Oops." Liana looks at Maggie and she says, "Sorry." The woman says, "If you ask me, Great-Great-Great Uncle Bevan had it coming." Liana says, "So, what did he do to deserve getting his face scratched off?" Maggie says, "Um, usurped his sister Siobhan's birthright took her crown and castle, and then killed her." Liana says, "Well, for a country that prides itself on men wearing skirts you'd think they'd be a little more progressive than that." Maggie says, "According to legend, Siobhan felt so robbed of her life on earth, she wanted to return from the underworld and live again. She was granted her wish... at a price. Since she was betrayed by a man, she was cursed to kill men... any that crossed her path." Liana says, "Oh, murder, misogyny, and mayhem. I can see why you left that out of the brochure." Maggie says, "How about a cup of tea while you wait for your boyfriend?" Liana softly says, "I'd like that." The woman nods and goes to get Liana a cup of tea. Liana looks back at the painting and shakes her head at what he did to his sister. Maggie comes back and brings Liana a cup of tea and she sips the tea. Later, Liana goes to check on Clark and walks to the room where Clark is, and she sees the room looking nice. Liana says, "Wow. This place looks... amazing." Clark says, "Turns out the leak wasn't as bad as she said it was. I fixed the pipe." Liana smiles and says, "With tools or heat vision?" Clark smiles and looks down and Liana has her answer.

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