Chapter 19

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Greeting Apple here with another chapter sorry about not updating in a while I was uh busy with school starting and being laz- I mean and fishing... also I am so glad that no one broken the fourth wall so far so that's a good thing-

[Me: *see's two black holes and someone with a mini-gun* "........I mean at least the walls fin-" *sees black hole going to the wall* "........."]

[Sani:"I'm probably narrating again because....] [me:"WHO THE DUCK CHOCOLATE PUT TWO DUCKING BLACK HOLES IN HERE] [sani:" ......I'll start narrating]

Y/n: "Rei is that you?"

Rei:"yes it is I the GOD OF HYPER DEATH"

Y/n:"I thought you would save me from a HYPER DEATH.heheheh"

Rei:"SHIFT WH- you know what I'll let that slide"

Y/n:"you mean SLIDE?" *points at that convenient slide*

Rei:"that's not even funn-....wait a minute when did that slide come from?"

Y/n moves his hand in a weird way and said "magic"


Y/n:"I'll just tell you what happened over the past few months"

-After explaining- [because I am too lazy to write this]

Rei:"so *sob* does that mean *sob* their dead?" He said hugging y/n

Y/n:"y-yea.... Also stop being a crybaby geez rei" he said patting his back while hugging him


???:" Also stop being a crybaby geez azzy" a girl with a green and yellow striped T-shirt said patting his back while hugging him


Rei: (he really is just like her)

Y/n:"you feeling better?"


Y/n:"ok you should see my friend's...wait can they even see you?"

Rei:"um i don't know"

Y/n:"oh well just go in front of them and see if they react"


In a gray building with a sign with A.M.A there's a person looking at a monitor

???:"we are watching your every move....monsters"

-in the school-

Frisk:"William I dare you to clean your dorm"

William"what...b-bu" he said kinda annoyed and shocked that's the first dare he his room

Frisk:"it's a dare" and after she said that William left to go clean his/his,chara and shift's dorm

After that the door got kicked open 

Y/n:"I am back" he said while mumming megalovania "so what are you guys doing?" [Sani:Keep in mind this is at night time]

Everyone -y/n and William- :"truth or dare"

Y/n:"okayyyy I'll be going to slee-" *process to go to his room*

Frisk:"nope" she said as she process to drag him to where they are playing Truth or dare

-after 10 minutes of struggling-

Azeal:"y/n truth or dare"

Y/n:"uh truth"

Azeal:"alright i want you to tell me who you like"

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