Dinosaur World???-normal(requests)

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This is the oneshot made from all the different requested words!
Context: Grian gets transported into the pokemon world
Season 8
Grian POV

I had just finished making my starter base as I stepped back to take a look at it.

Now we all know that when I say finished that means the back is non-existent.. But the front looks good!

As I stood back looking for anything I could add or improve Mumbo unintentionally snuck up behind me.

"Hi Grian!"

I slightly jumped quickly responding with "Hi!"

He turned to look at the newly 100% finished house.

"House looks good!"


"I was wondering if you'd be fine with going end busting with me? I know we both have Elytra but I'm in desperate need of shulkers... And I have no diamonds..."

"Sure just a sec I need to go grab some rockets, do you need some?"

"Yea, if you don't mind."

I went into my house quickly shutting the doors behind me to make sure Mumbo didn't see the unfinished wall through the doors.

I went over to my chest monster opening several chests before finding my rockets, I grabbed a lot of rockets for me and Mumbo. I went out the doors, quickly closing the door again then handed less than half of the rockets to Mumbo because lets be honest.

I'll be using more rockets than Mumbo.

I shot the last shulker with my bow. Me and Mumbo had gotten about 4 stacks of shulkers combined. Mumbo had the majority of the shulkers on him because I didn't expect him to get so lucky with shulker drops after the 3rd city.

Me and Mumbo went up on the highest tower and decided that we were done with end busting and started flying toward the nearest end portal thingy. Mumbo flew through first then I flew through.

I started feeling nauseous.

Why am I not back yet?

I woke up surrounded by trees, I could hear some noise close by so i assumed this was a small park or forest near a village.

One strange thing I noticed right away was nothing is blocky..


I was still nauseous but not as much as when I went through the portal. I decided to inspect myself to see if I have any injuries. I mean, I don't know how I got here for all I know I could've fell out of the sky.

I found that I have no injures but my body was different. My hands weren't like before. I wasn't in minecraft. I don't know where I am. My wings were still okay, they didn't change except for getting more feathery and fluffy. They got more realistic.

Is this like a realistic mod or something? I mean real is regular blocky minecraft but the realistic mod made everything smoother, less blocky.

As I continued this train of thought I got pulled out by a bird landing on my shoulder.

It wasn't a parrot but there are only parrots for birds in minecraft, this isn't minecraft.

Oh no..

The bird jumped off my shoulder going infront of my to inspect me. The bird seemed curious of me and my wings. It tilted its head and I tilted my head in return.


The bird spoke?!



The bird started running towards the sound I've been hearing in the background this entire time. The bird had small legs so I didnt have to run to keep up.

Once we got to the street the bird got on my shoulder. I don't know why but I just went with it. I walked around on the sidewalk and looked at what was going on. There were actual moving cars on the road! Mumbo would love this place!

Oh no I forgot about Mumbo..

That train of thought ended quickly as I saw a bunch of strange creatures walking around with all the other players. Dinosaurs?

Why are there a bunch of dinosaurs walking around with everyone.

"Hey uhh, Pidove? Are you one of those dinosaurs?" I talked the bird on my shoulder while pointing at one of the dinosaurs.


I'll take that as a yes...

Someone came running up to me and started talking.

"Hey! My name is Carter! I overheard you taking to your Pidove- Well I assume that your Pidove."

"Uhh idk it just came up to me after I woke up in the woods over there" I pointed to the patch of trees behind me.

"Oh are you homeless or something?"

"No I just finishing building my house earlier. But I think i'm in the wrong server because this doesn't look like hermitcraft.."

Carter seemed lost in thought then started ranting after they noticed my wings.

"O my gosh! You have wings! How is that possible?? Can you come over to my house I'm sorry I know you just met me but you seemed confused and I think I might be able to clear somethings up!"

I looked at Pidove and it nodded at me so I followed Carter.

We eventually arrived at a house that I assumed was Carter's since they got some keys out and started unlocking the door.

The house had a rainbow flag on it and a sign on the door that said 'All pronouns!'

"Oh btw I go by all pronouns, I'm genderfluid. Can I ask your pronouns?"

"Yea, He/they"


We entered the house and me and Carter started talking. He said that apparently hermitcraft is like some kind of reality show for them? I didn't know we were getting recorded.

She also explained that he dinosaurs that are all over the place were pokemon, that I was in the wrong universe but they had an idea on how to get me back to my world.

"Hey what's that weird thing over there?"

I pointed at a red octopus thing.

"Oh! He's my pokemon, octillery! His nickname is Octopi."

"Cool! Can i stay here for like a day or 2? I'm still a little nauseous from getting to this place and I want to see more pokemon!"

"Of course!"

I'm gonna leave it here for now I've been needing to finish this for awhile. I'll make a part 2 If you guys want!

Grian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now