×One~ Kalopsia

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Kalopsia - the delusion
of things
being more beautiful
than they actually are.

The rain trickled down the saddened window as the carriage rolled down the bumpy dirt road. Every few seconds that passed, a loud thud came from under the carriage, as a random rock decided to make my day just that much harder. It was late in the year, mid September to be exact. The grass on both sides of the road were white as a thin layer of snow covered it. The animals began to prepare for hibernation, as winter was soon around the corner.

It was the perfect time to be sent away from everyone I know and love. My parents had the best intentions in mind when they sent me away, fearing as my "condition" as they called it got more and more out of hand. I often wondered how my family was viewed by the kingdom, a princess with a "sickening, heart wretching, evil condition" and a perfect daughter with a perfectly normal life. Where had they gone so wrong in their lives to produce such an outcast as myself. Thus, they couldn't handle it any longer and sent me away to a place where people like me were considered "normal."


Normal is such an odd word. Everyone is different, but if everyone is different isn't that normal? Wouldn't that make being different... Normal? If people say to be yourself, isn't that being like everyone else? I guess I'd never get the answer to those questions, as my family constantly reminded me how ridiculous such thinking was. "Don't be silly, Melinoe. You need not worry about those matters, a true Calystite wouldn't have such silly questions. Now, go to your room, you mustn't be seen when our guests arrive." Just one of the many pleasent conversations I had with my dearest mother before she sent me away, banished my existence from the kingdom I was born to take over some day. In their eyes, I seemed to no longer exist, or that's what they wanted their perfect kingdom to believe.

"Miss, we are here." The carriage driver says as he opens the door for me. He gives me a look, as if I were going to for some reason suck the life out of him, not that he had much to live anyway. I ignored the look, as I was used to it. I stepped out of the carriage and looked around. Holy mother of Zeus, this place was beautiful.

Now you see, I grew up in a kingdom as a princess but this was beyond anything my home had to offer. The castle was huge, covered in vines that reached to the top. The cobblestone walls were something most people would take as ugly and abandoned, however I found it beautiful. It looked real, not like something you'd see in a fairytale book, it was far from perfect. The walls had cracks in them and the trees had branches that were snapped, holding on for their dear lives.

As I walked towards the entrance I saw people with wings. In my kingdom, those were the type of people to be locked away or shunned by their families. However, here they were allowed in the gardens of the castle. If my father saw this, he would lose his mind, my mother would probably cry saying how she felt sorry for them for being so repulsive.

"Ah, you must be Mistress Calystite." An older looking, rather short man with glasses says as he approaches me. "Yes, I'm afraid so." I say, giving him a smile in which he returns. "Your luggage has already been brought to your room and the royal family will be meeting with you later on this evening. My name is Arlo, I am the groundskeeper and am here to provide all guests with as much help as I can." He says. His voice seemed so calm and genuine, it was warm compared to the cold icy words that came from anyone who worked for my family.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Arlo." I say, reaching my hand out to greet the man. When he reached his hand to grab mine, I realized it was not a hand, but rather a paw or sorts. I must have looked taken back because he let out a small laugh and retracted his paw like hand after I shook it. "I am what is called a hybrid, part human part animal, in my case I am part monkey. I am sure you have many questions about the way things are done around here, mainly the people. As I am aware of your kingdoms... Preferences on people such as us. I assure you, Mistress Calystite, you will not be found a freak among these woods." He says, his voice once again being genuine and rather kind. I give him a smile and he nods. After a few moments, we begin our way inside the castle. Nothing I had ever read about this place would have prepared me for what I would encounter next.

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