Fourteen: I'm Visited By The Ghost Of Time

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What surrounded me was nothing you would expect to see within a cobblestone building at a cemetery. It was a tunnel. A weird, flashy tunnel. Thousands of different colored lights zoomed past me. I heard everything. I wasn't sure how I knew, but I knew what this was. This was Time. I heard arguments I had with my sister, training with Aeolus, late night conversations with Serenity.

"What is this place?" I asked as I continued to follow the almost ghost like figure of Melione through the tunnel which seemed to go on forever.

"This is your life." She says and she pauses for a moment, as if she knew something that hurt to think about. "This is my life. This is the lives of everyone that has existed, exists, and to exist for all of time." She replies "It's called the Paradox."  and with that she snaps her fingers and the entire scenery changes.

All the flashing lights disappeared and instead I saw my room. My dark blue walls, my silver bed frame, my navy blue blanket, me. I saw me. I was asleep.

"Is that-"

"This is you right now. Present." She replies.

"Ho- how is this possible? I'm going crazy, I knew it." I exclaim, impulsively throwing my hands in the air out of despair.

"You are not going crazy Orpheus BloodWell." She says as she grabs me by the shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

Everything around changed again, but this time it changed to a sky full of stars. A wave of peace blew over me as I looked into her eyes. As I stared into her silver eyes, I saw it. I saw the good that was outweighed by the bad of the Melione I knew in my world. I saw the pure, the truth, everything.

"I show you this to warn you. To hopefully prevent the future from ever coming to existence. Thus, I still fear you won't remember any of this when you wake up." She sighs, her voice full of regret.

"Wait? I won't remember any of this?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It will come back in pieces over the course of your life, but when you wake up, you won't remember I was here." She replies.

"When the time is right, you will remember." She says and the scenery changes again.

I saw a girl I had never seen before. She looked a little older than me. Her dark brown hair was messy, full of twigs and tangled in different ways. Her pale complexion was contrasted with the dirt and mud splatters on her face. She wore a tattered white gown and a black leather jacket. "Who is that?" I ask. The girl looked scared, like she had seen terrifying things, like she was staring at a terrifying thing.

I turn to look in the direction she was looking, but nothing was there, only darkness.

"Her name is Hecate. You will help her." Melione responds, looking at the girl sorrowfully.

"You've seen what happens to us? All of us, haven't you?" I ask.

I couldn't imagine what it would be like. Knowing what happens to everyone. Knowing their futures, their deaths, their hardships, and not being able to do anything about it.

"Yes." Is all she responds with.

"I apologize for what I must ask of you now, but Orpheus, I need you to promise me one thing."

"Uh, sure, what is it?" I had no idea how much I would one day regret those five words.

That's when she said it.
That's when she said how he would die.
That's when she showed me my best friend, the one that's been by my side since Serenity's death, the one who knows everything about me and more...
In the very graveyard I had previously been in...
Lying in my arms, choking on his own blood, bleeding to death.
Everything seemed to turn black after she showed me. My brain couldn't process this, I couldn't handle it. I zoned out everything she was saying as all I could do was think, was there nothing to be done?

"Orpheus." She says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look at her angry. I was angry of what she was asking me to do. I was terrified and furious.

"You can't ask me to let him die!" I yell at her.

"You have to. If you save him... I fear the future is much worse than if he dies." She says, looking away from me.

"No! You don't get to be sad, lady! I'm the one losing a best friend and LETTING it happen!" I yell and she doesn't respond.

Silence fills the space as lights start to flash by again.

"You must go now. But be warned, Prince BloodWell, blood will be shed for sins of our fathers." Her voice seemed to get further and further away as her sentence went on. The lights started to get darker. Everything seemed to disappear and before I knew it, I was in my room and my room was on fire.

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