Thirteen: Another Scream, Another Cry

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Soon enough, it had become night. I often feared the night, due to the nightmares I had. Tonight would be nothing less of terrifying.

I laid in my bed, scared to sleep and rethinking everything that had happened today. I was almost killed by something I couldn't even see. That was going to damage my ego, but for now, I couldn't afford those thoughts. I replayed every event in my head as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I was surrounded by trees. Everything around me was dark and foggy. I heard screams and explosions from a distance. I looked around to try to figure out where I could be, but I didn't recognize anything. There was a small cobblestone building covered in vines to my right, it looked like it belonged in a cemetery. I heard cries from within. "Don't go, you don't want to see what's in there." A voice whispered, causing me to jump and look around. My hands caught ablaze due to the fear, but the flame was weird. Instead of it being red or orange, it was a bright blue color. Like the color of Hades fireplace.

"Who's there?" I call out into the unknown, hoping for a response. The trees began to sway violently as the wind became stronger.

Another scream

The wind became even stronger, so strong it dissipated my flames. It became hard for me to stand.

Another cry

A murder of crows began to swoop low to the ground, and wolves in the distance howled in a pain unlike anything else.

Another scream

My mind began to fill with an unimaginable fear I had never experienced before. It was a fear based upon nothing. I wasn't afraid of the wind or the crows or wolves or whatever was in the building, but I was afraid of fear itself.

Another cry

A large shadowy figure walked slowly towards me. I tried to run, but I couldn't move. I looked down to see my feet stuck underground. The grass had swallowed me like quicksand. I bent over, hacking at the ground, trying to loosen it's grip to no avail.

Another scream

The figure came closer. My heartbeat began to falter. It was uneven and slowing down. I was dying.

Another cry

The figure was now centimeters away from my face. It was darkness in and of itself. A force to be reckoned with. A power beyond anything I had seen in my lifetime. My body began to freeze as it's long, clawed hand of sorts reached for my face. I tried to move, but again had no luck.

Another scream

This time, the scream was different. It was an audible, recognizable voice. "Leave him alone!" It yelled and the shadowy figure swiftly turned to face where the scream came from.

The figure laughed at the voice. Every bad memory I had ever experienced in my life, every fear, every rage, every negative thought came rushing in at once. The figure was the embodiment of all things evil, of all things negative.

It turned to face me once more. It grinned at me. I didn't see a face, but I could feel it's evil smile, planning my utter demise. It pushed a piece of hair behind my ear, then began to shift positions. Its touch felt like a billion spiders crawling on my skin.

It now stood beside me. Chains began to make their way around my neck. Like a python, they slowly squeezed the air out of my lungs.

"I said leave him alone." The voice called out once more. Then a figure of light emerged from the building.

The screaming, the wind, the fear, the noises, the cries, they all stopped as soon as the light appeared. A brilliant silence hovered in the air. It was a peace I had never felt before. This figure was the embodiment of all things good, of all things positive.

"You don't control me." The dark figure said with a cocky and bone shivering voice, as it made its way to the light. Both figures started to transform from a mist to a solid form. What they became shocked me.

The darkness became Melinoe, hair completely black. She wore armour and looked ready for a battle. The light also became Melinoe, hair completely white. She wore a long white dress and a crown made of glass. She held a staff, similar to Hades cane, obsidian with the head of a crow. "You are me" the light version of Melinoe simply says as she takes the staff in the hand and touches it to her opponent. The dark version screams out in pain as it evaporates into thin air, the chains and ice along with it.

The light version of her looks at me, eyes as blue as the fire I once had. "What have you seen?" She asks, as she waves her hand and the ground sets me free. "wha- what's going on? Who are you? Where am I?" I ask rapidly. "You're in a dream, you know who I am." She says as she walks into the cobblestone building. I stay where I am, unable to move. "Well, are you coming or not?" She asks from inside the building. "What you see, you will not like." A voice says from somewhere. Nevertheless, I followed her into the building.

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