×Four~ Noceur

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One who stays up late

   Dinner was nothing short of awkward. I was asked question after question, which was understandable yet exhausting. I too asked questions; questions about how things were done around here, their family line, how the courtyard was spring while everywhere else was early winter. Turns out some fairies have the ability to alter weather.

   After dinner, I had a quick tour around the main part of the castle then headed to my room. I stared at the ceiling for a while, questions and concerns flooding my head. The anxiety of being in a completely different environment with nobody I knew was almost unbearable. The King seemed to be rather nice, so that helped with the anxiety. Alethea and Arlo were also very kind, though I had a strange feeling about the fairy. After roughly around two hours of tossing and turning, I fell into a deep sleep, though this didn't last long.

   As I was dreaming, I felt something touch my face. I originally had thought I was dreaming that it happened, but I wasn't. I opened my eyes to see a shadowy figure standing next to my bed, staring down at me. To say I was terrified is an understatement. I thought that whoever was covering my mouth, was here to kill me. I tried to scream, but my mouth was covered so not much noise was made.

"Sh" the figure said. The voice was deep and somewhat amused.

   I decided to do the only thing I could think of and focused all my energy on the life force this figure held with them. I stared at the figures face, trying to make out details as I was looking for the energy. I found it.

  The figure started gasping for air and the hand that wasn't on my face spontaneously combusted. I could see their facial features more clearly in the light of the fire. It was a boy, roughly around my age. His eyes were the same color as the flame and his face was pale, his facial features sharp and oddly familiar. He took his hand off of my mouth and I let go of his life.

  He gasped as he covered his throat, breathing heavily. "What on Earth do you think you're doing!? Who are you!?" I ask, anger flowing through my veins. I regretted letting go of this ignorant boy's life force. I found enjoyment in watching him fight to breathe. The fire on his hand went out, but the light still somehow remained.

"I'm -" he says coughing, bending over and putting his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "

"My name is Orpheus BloodWell. I'm the prince here. So I suggest you think twice before trying to kill me." He says, taking a deep breath and standing up straight.

"Well, prince orphan or whatever, I suggest you think twice before covering my mouth in my sleep!" I say, swinging my legs over the side of the bed to sit up.

"It's Orpheus." He corrects.

"Why are you in here? I heard you were odd, but I didn't think you were psychotic. You know, most people with common sense wouldn't sneak into a girl's room at night and cover her mouth!" I say, at this point I'm basically yelling.

"Will you lower your voice, you're going to wake someone up!" He whisper yells and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm too loud for you. YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION!" I say, yelling the last part. He then covers my mouth again, so I lick his hand.

"Ew! Okay now that's just disgusting!" He says, retracting his hand and wiping it on his leg.

"In my defense, I didn't know you were in this room." He simply says.

"Oh so that makes it alright to cover someone's mouth while they're sleeping?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I came in here to grab something, I saw you were starting to wake up so I covered your mouth, knowing you would scream. Who wouldn't? Waking up to see a stranger in their room." He says as he holds up a book.

"You came in here in the middle of the night to grab a book!" I ask and he shurgs his shoulders as if that were a perfectly reasonable excuse. I honestly wanted to attack the boy at this point.

"Who are you?" He asks and I laugh.

"Oh so now you care who I am. My name is Melinoe Calystite, princess of Calystitian." I say, crossing my arms and he stares intently at my face. "Alright then." He says, shrugging and walking towards the door. "Goodnight Melon. Oh, and welcome to Everglane." He says with a smirk, and with that the light disappeared from the room and the boy was gone.

"Seriously!" I exclaim as I fall backwards onto the bed.

'This boy was absolutely psychotic' I thought to myself. Part of me wished he hadn't disappeared, only so I could slap him. I thought his sister was odd, but he was something much, much worse. I knew from that moment that my stay in Everglane would be far from boring.

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