Twelve: Ghost Girl

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This girl had screamed like her world was coming to an end. I didn't understand, it was just her hair. However, if someone messed with my hair, I would cry a very manly cry.

"What happened!? I don't understand!" She screams as she stares face to face with her reflection. "What's different?" Aeolus attempts to whisper in my ear. I scoff at his horrible ability to whisper. "It's white! My hair is white!" She screams, turning around to face us, as if we were the cause of this. "It's only a strand of hair, it's not that noticable... And it looks ... Good." Aeolus lies with a smile. I could tell he was trying to make the insufferable princess feel better, but it clearly wasn't working. "When did this happen?" I ask, crossing my arms and laughing at the girl. "I don't know..." She sighs "It wasn't like this this morning." Aeolus and I look at eachother. "You don't think..." I say. "No, he wouldn't. She's just got here." He replies and I give him a look. "Maybe so, but if she's as powerful as he thinks... Maybe he did." I try to reason. "I didn't take my father for an absolute bonehead." Aeolus says, obviously upset with the accusations I've made against his father.

"Uh guys, hello, mind filling me in on whatever it is you're talking about?" She asks, a bit annoyed by our secrecy. "You said you've met Hades, correct?" I ask and she slowly nods her head. "When?" I add. "Just about 20 minutes ago..." She answers hesitantly. "And what exactly did you and my father do?" Aeolus asks. "He- we... There was this blue fire and I saw this tall woman, and he showed me this place... It was black and white and he called it-" she rambles on. "The Realm of Death..." Aeolus and I say in unison.

As soon as we said it, we regretted it. Our stupidity and ignorance would one day be the death of us both. We looked at eachother, wide eyed as we realized what we had done. Then, the air in our lungs was sucked out abruptly. The room became eerily still and we could hear crows cackle from beyond the door. It was as if they were laughing at our ignorance of how powerful the words we just spoken were. Plants around Aeolus room began to move as if something or someone was moving them. Melinoe looked frightened as she watched the plants move. "What do you see?" Aeolus asks, as he looks around at the plants, his vision just as dull as mine. "Ghosts... They're mocking you in an angry tone." She explains. The plants begin to shake violently. "Where did my father say he was going!?" Aeolus' voice lathered with terror. "I- I don't know. He said he would be back tomorrow!" The princess says as papers off Aeolus' desk begin to fly off his desk.

"They feed off your fear, Calystite. Don't show them you're afraid." I say, trying to stay as calm as possible, even though ghosts were terrorizing us and trashing the room. Wind began to blow from every direction, making it hard to stand. "Do something!" I yell. "I don't know how!" She yells back. Of course we're sent a useless necromancer.

"You have to tell them to leave! They won't leave until they're forced out! Since my father's not here, you're the only one who can!" Aeolus says, as he falls to the ground. A chair flys at him, but is pulled away by vines he controlled. "Go away!" She yells. "You have to mean it! Take authority!" He exclaims. "Orpheus, look out!" She yells, I turn around to see nothing. "I don't see any-" I say and she jumps onto me and I fall to the ground. "What was that for!? Why are you always trying to kill me!?" I yell at the girl, who's currently on top of me. "A red phantom! Their touch is deadly!" Is all she says, before she stands up.

Before she saw the red phantom or whatever, she seemed intimidated and unsure of herself. But now her entire attitude did a 180. She walked to the middle of the room, grabbed something from her pocket and held it in the air. "Extremum Vitae Spiritum Edere et reliquia." She says, terrifyingly calm. Then the wind ceases to blow and the plants go back to normal. I tried to make sense of what she had told the ghosts, but I couldn't. I knew it was Latin. I had studied Latin as much as I had studied English, so it frustrated me that I was unable to comprehend it. It was as if the ability to process her words was somehow blocked. "And pick up this mess." She adds. Then the papers and chair start going back to their original places. Aeolus and I look at eachother, terrified yet awestruck. In all the time I had known Serenity to be a necromancer, I had never seen her talk with such authority to ghosts, nor had I ever seen them respond so quickly. This just gave me more proof that there was something different about this new girl. However, I wasn't so sure this difference was such a good thing.

"I told you you could do it." Aeolus simply says, standing up. "I've never done that before..." She responds, putting whatever she grabbed back into her pocket before either of us could see it. "It's the power you gained from the other realm." Aeolus says. "What?" She asks. "When you visit the other realm, your ability to control your power grows stronger. Sometimes even your power itself. It's also why your hair turned white. You begin to become part of that realm." He says, helping me up from the ground. "Is that why your hair is white?" She asks and he laughs. "No, my hair is white due to genetics. I don't have the same abilities as you or my father have. I have this." He says, gesturing around to the many plants in his room. "I also control wind and animals, but the crows like to eat ... whatever... I bring down here, so I don't bring anything anymore." He responds.

"Oh, that's cool... Sucks for the animals tho..." She says and I awkwarly nod in response. "And I'm guessing you control fire?" She points at me. "Yes." I respond nonchalantly as I try to examine her. Aeolus and the ghost girl continue to talk, but I zone out. I watched her closely, trying to see if I could sense that evil again. But it was gone. It was as if it had gone to sleep. However, I knew that if it had went to sleep, it would eventually wake up. I had watched her control the ghosts with ease, but I wasn't so sure she could do the same with the evil lurking inside. I feared what was inside her, however I feared more for her.

I wouldn't understand for quite some time why I cared for and about her so much, quite frankly I wish I never discovered the truth.

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