Julia Method

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1. Get into a comfortable position on your back. It is very important that this method is done while laying on your back. I've tried using this method while lying on my side and was unsuccessful. it could be different for others but this is just what worked for me.

2. Find a subliminal that suits you, there are several hundred on YouTube, find one that feels like it's right for you. If you end up finding a subliminal that doesn't work for you or doesn't help your meditation state this method will not work.

3. Once you're finally laying down with your eyes closed and your subliminal on start to repeat out loud or inside your head "I am". Starting with short and easy affirmations is always a good start. Once you start feeling signs that you're in/close to your desired reality you can then start repeating longer affirmations such as "I am in my desired reality" or "I have successfully shifted to my desired reality".

4. Now is when you start the visualization part of this method. Start with visual pictures or scenes related to your desired reality. This could be of a certain place, person, sound, or anything that works.

5. Keep visualizing until you feel your surroundings starting to change, you'll know when you're in your desired reality. I personally would give this method a 6/10, it has worked one time for me and I don't try it that often. I have a really hard time keeping my mind focused on one thing which is why I cut my shirt by 4 points.

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