Tell Me A Lie

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Hello my lovelies! This is my first fanfic! So I don't really know how good it's going to be. Either way, I hope you enjoy! Some colorful language and graphic things will happen at some point in this story.



Louis P.O.V.

I woke up to the light shining into the bedroom. What time is it? I roll over and smack my head into a curly mess of hair.

"Ouch, Louis, what the fuck are you doing?" Harry says rubbing his head.

"Sorry love, forgot you were there," I say with a smile. Harry gives me a cheeky grin and sits up and rubs his eyes. I can't help but notice his chest is bare and glistening with sweat.

"It's so hot in here, Louis," Harry says looking down at his chest," and what are you staring at?"

"Um, uh, nothing," I say looking away even though I want to continue staring at his perfectly toned body.

"Stop being weird Louis," Harry says with a wink. He stands up and opens the curtains.

"Ahh, the light, it burns!" I yell. Harry turns around and gives me a mischievous grin. He runs over and hops on top of me and starts tickling me.

"H-Harry. S-Stop. I can't... Breathe," I manage to get out between each breath. He continues tickling me and when I feel like I might explode from laughter he jumps off of me and walks away.

"Where are you going?" I say with my bottom lip pouted out.

"I'm going to take a shower Boo Bear, don't miss me too long," Harry says with a throaty laugh. How I wish I could join him. I want to tell him. Tell him that he's everything I want and need. But he would think I was crazy. He wouldn't want to be my friend. It would tear the group apart if I told him. I have to keep this to myself. It's the best thing to do, even if it does drive me crazy.

Harry P.O.V.

I turn on the shower and adjust it to the temperature I like. I undress and hop into the shower. I start to lather the shampoo together and think about the events that just took place not too long ago in Louis' bedroom. He's so adorable when he giggles as I tickle him. He's just like a little kid. Wait what am I saying? Adorable? These aren't very masculine thoughts. I can hear Louis singing in his bedroom, he's singing 'They Don't Know About Us'. His voice is so beautiful. He starts to sing my part and for a second I feel as if he sang it better than I had. He gets to his solo and belts it out with so much feeling. I'm smiling to myself and decide to join in. I hear him laugh obviously hearing me from the shower. I stop singing and start to think about how much I cherish me and Louis' friendship. I don't know what I would do without him. He keeps me sane. He always so happy and can light up the room with his smile. He's constantly cracking corny jokes. He's outrageous and unpredictable. And I love him. Wait did I just say that? I don't love Lou, not in that way, anyways. At least I don't think I do. I just need to clear my mind. I get out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk out of Louis' bathroom only to find him sitting on his bed staring at me; clearly he had been waiting for me to walk out.

"Hey Boo Bear, like what you see?" I say with a flirtatious grin. He gets up and walks over to where I am.

"Hazza, you know I can't resist you when all you have on is a towel." He says in a flirtatious yet joking manner. But yet I feel like there might be some truth in his statement. Nah, Louis doesn't like me like that. I ruffle his hair and walk out the room, turning around to wink at Louis before closing the door. I walk over to my room which is only one room away. I spent the night at Lou's room last night for old time's sake. I open the door and walk over to my closet to pick out my outfit for today. I choose a skin tight white v neck t-shirt, a black blazer on top, black skinny jeans and white converse. Perfect. I wonder if Louis will like it? I shake my hair out like a wet dog and stride confidently out my room.

"Woah there Styles! Lookin' good, what's the occasion?" Louis says with a grin on his face.

"No occasion, just want to look good when the lads come over is all." I reply not wanting him to know that I dressed to impress him.

"Oh! I almost forgot about that! I should probably get dressed!" he says running into his room as if he was late for something. I walk downstairs and turn on the TV and wait for Louis to get dressed and for the lads to come knocking at me And Louis' flat that we share. I soon drifted off to sleep and that was the first time I dreamt. of Louis.


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