Chapter 2- The Dream

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Wow 8 Reads! I was only expecting like 3! Thanks Guise! I will try to update every 1-3 days as I know how frustrating it is when authors don’t update. By the way my name is Selena, nice to meet you!

Vote if you ship Larry! :D


Harry’s Dream

“Harry, stop that tickles,” Louis says giggling. I continue to draw circles on his bare back as we lay in bed.

“Lou, I love you,” I blurt out. I look at Louis eyes and watch as his somewhat blue orbs burn into my green ones.

“I-I love you too…” trails off Louis. I can’t help the smile escaping my lips. I quickly lean forward for a passionate kiss. Louis accepts immediately. His lips crash against mine. Rough but soft at the same time. My tongue begs for entry as I lick his bottom lip and he accepts. The kiss turns into a make out session and all I can think about is how bad I want Louis right at this very moment. I roll over on top him, breaking the kiss momentarily to catch my breath. I look into his eyes, smile and crash my lips against his again. We kiss for what seems like ages until Louis is struggling underneath me trying to break the kiss.

“Harry...can’t…breathe...” He chokes out in mid-kiss. I pull away and can’t help the red creeping upon my cheeks.

“Sorry Boo Bear, I got excited. I really needed that kiss.”

“It’s alright Haz, I love you.” Lou says again. It feels good hearing him say that and it having so much meaning. I can’t imagine life without Louis. He’s my everything. Suddenly Louis breaks me out of my thoughts by tugging at my hair. I let out a throaty groan.

“Lou, stop, I can’t…” I start but am suddenly interrupted when Louis gets on top of me and covers my mouth with his hand.

“Don’t speak.” Lou says. He starts to take off his shirt and I take off mine as well. We get into a heated kiss as he struggles to get off his pants. He starts biting and sucking at my neck and tugging on my curls.

“Louis, stop, Louis, Louis,” I groan over and over again. Suddenly he’s ripped from me as quickly as we connected.

“No, Boo Bear, come back! Lou, Louis, Boo Bear!!” I scream. I hear him calling my name from a distance.


 Louis P.O.V

“Harry! Harry!” I yell, desperately trying to get him to wake up. He sits up quickly, sweat running down his face. He looks scared and worried.

“Louis!” he yells as he embraces me in a tight hug. “What the hell happened!?” he asked confused.

“I think you had a bad dream, you were calling out my name, I ran downstairs as soon as I heard,” I replied answering Harry’s question. He got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I wonder what his dream was about. He dreamt of me, that’s for sure. I followed him into the kitchen, a million questions running through my mind.

“Hey Harry, what exactly happened in your dream?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“Uh, erm, we were at the mall and I lost you is all…” Harry replied. I knew that was a lie. I was a little upset as to why he wouldn’t tell me the truth. Then it hit me. He didn’t want to tell me because he was embarrassed. He would only be embarrassed because of one thing. Harry had a dirty dream about me. I can see right through him. He’s like an open book to me. I didn’t bother him about the dream. I just nodded my head and moved on. Even though on the inside I’m screaming with joy I managed to stay calm. Harry dreamt about me. ME! Does that mean he has feelings for me? I wonder what happened. Did we “go all the way”? Did he like it? He is just staring at me as I’m lost in thought.

“Louis, you okay?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, fine and dandy!” I chirp out a little too loudly and happily. Nice going Lou. Harry gives me a strange look.

“What?!” I asked finally tired of his green orbs burning into my skin.

“Nothin’,” He says. But I know something is bothering him. I need to get him to tell me what really happened in his dream. But how?  Should I trick him? I know! I’ll wait till he’s asleep and when he starts to talk in his sleep I’ll talk back and see what I can get from him! Nah, that’s a terrible idea Lou, come on your better than that! Think! Oh god this is awkward, he’s just staring at me again. Quick say something!

“Well, the lads are already here, they are upstairs doing who knows what.” Just as I finish my sentence I hear a crash upstairs. Harry and I freeze for a moment and then we both run upstairs and open the guest bedroom. When we open the door we were both shocked at what we saw.

CLIFF HANGER!!! Ahhh haha. I love cliffhangers! SO what do ya think about the dream(; Ya thought there was gonna be some more action, but sadly not yet. But at least I gave you some Larry love, aye? Sorry it’s so short. /: SO what did they see? Any guesses? Vote, Comment, Fan do whatever floats your boat! Bye Lovelies !


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