Chapter 11 - Harry

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Its 11:45 pm and i've got nothing better to do so i thought, why not update!? Enjoy.



Harry's P.O.V.

It feels like I've been walking for ages. I don't actually know where I'm walking, nor do I have an intention. I guess I'm just walking to sort out my feelings. Its quite hard to concentrate though because I have a constant pounding in my head and my nose is bleeding terribly. I'm so stupid. Why would I attack a stranger like that! He just said some things that really hurt me. Hell, what do I care? He deserved it! I shouldn't feel pity on him, he brought it upon himself. To be quite honest I'm actually proud of myself. Being youngest in the band does make me doubt myself at times, but I know how much Louis hates when I doubt myself.

I shy away from the thought of Louis as it brings a lot of pain back as I saw him laying in the hospital bed with a frown on his face. My heart aches to be able to hear his voice and to feel his touch. I want to see his smile and hear his laughter, but I know because of my stupid judgment of decision he's hospitalized for it and I can't have what i want.

I want to see him. No. I NEED to see him.

I pull out my slim iPhone and can't help but lightly chuckle as I glance at my case. My case has a picture of Louis on a rainbow unicorn that he photoshopped. It all started with a bet that I failed to win. If Louis won I would have to let him make a case where he sat on a photoshopped rainbow unicorn and I had to wear it on my phone for a year. If I won Louis had to be my slave for 9 months. I remember him saying," Why 9 months, Haz? You could have a baby in that time!" Just thinking about his constant joking put a smile on my face. We bet against who could annoy Liam the most and I lost. Liam totally lost it in the first 10 minutes of being in the same room as Louis. I don't know how he did it since Liam is pretty tolerant when it comes to Louis. But nonetheless he managed and now everytime I pull out my phone or someone asks about it, it makes me grin, which I've been told his quite creepy when a stranger sees it.

I try to brush away these memories as my eyes start to itch at the loss of Louis' presence. I proceed to unlock my phone and open up my text messages. I'm surprised I don't have tons of texts from Liam, so I text him first.

To; Daddy Direction(; xx

Hey Liam, i think im lost. #oops xx

I immediately get a reply back.

From; Daddy Direction(; xx

Rlly Haz, how did u gt lostttt?! Do u need meh 2 pik u upppp?? Btw i didnt knoe u culd use hashtags in txt! -DD

To; Daddy Direction(; xx

Liam, for once in your life can you type like a civilized person? No one texts like that! And of course I can use hashtags! Im Harry Styles! Bitches love me, I do wat I want! And DD? As in double D's?? Didn't know u felt that way(;

I chuckle as I press send trying to lighten the mood.

From; Daddy Direction(; xx

Shtup Hazza, do u wnt meh 2 pik u up or not?

To; Daddy Direction(; xx

Yes plzzz, im on Holt rd, u knoe where dat is rite?? Im laffin if u dnt! (See how annoying that is?)xx

From; Daddy Direction(; xx

Stop bein a smartazz, im on mah wayyy, stay put plzzzz!(: xx

I put my phone away and shove my hands in my pockets. I tap my foot impatiently against the pavement as I wait for Liam to pull up.

Finally his car rounds the corner and comes to a stop. I notice Niall is in the passenger seat so I hesitantly open the back door, scared of what comments they'll make about my bloody nose and soon to be black eye. I slide in the seat keeping my head down and my face in the shadows. Liam doesn't even glance at me as he drives off. Thank god I don't have to face him just yet.

I can't help but notice that he has his hands intertwined with Niall's. Thats odd. I choose to shake it off, but not long after I do, I notice Niall gazing at Liam with huge smile on his face. Obviously forgeting I was in the car Niall leans over and kisses Liam's cheek. My eyes are practically bulging out of my head by now. That was a little too friendly. I've been put in a very awkward position and I cant' ignore it any longer as Niall leans in again.

"Uh...guys?" I say interupting. Niall pulls away from Liam's face immediately and I see Niall's face start to become red in color. I notice Liam about to look at me so I put my head back into the shadows. Liam looks at me through the front view mirror and I notice he has a tint of red on his cheeks too.

"Sorry mate..." Liam trails off. He gives me a knowing look and I shake my head, knowing he'll explain later. We drive the rest of the way in silence. It was an awkward silence, if Louis were here he would of cracked a joke to lighten the mood. But he's not, which saddens me even deeper at the thought.

"Harry, we're here," Niall says getting out of the car. I pull the door handle and swing my legs out the car. I'm careful to stand up, as last time I sat in the back I smacked my head on the ceiling getting out. I round to the other side of the car towards Liam's side suddenly remembering the way my face looked as Liam stares at me in disbelief .

"Harry, what happened?" Liam shouts worriedly.

"It's fine Liam,"

"No Harry, it's not fine!" Liam snaps back. " I mean have you seen your face?"

Now that he mentions it I haven't seen my face yet, but I'm sure its not that bad. "No..."

"Look," he says snatching Niall's mirror from him handing it to me as Niall protests. I gasp a little at the sight of my face. It's worst than I thought. My bottom lip is spilt open with dry blood covering the whole surface. My nose is still bleeding and my eye is starting to turn a different color. I've got a pretty bad cut above my eyebrow and a light scratch on my cheek. There's a gash on the side of my head right where my hairline starts, making it so I have dry blood stuck in my curls.

"Oh..." I manage to get out.

"Ugh, Harry, why did you have to- just, lets go, you can explain later."

Niall and Liam start to walk toward the hospital and I notice Niall slip his hand into Liam's. He better have a good explanation for this. Only after pushing the hospital door open do I start to feel dizzy. I stop in the entry way and double over putting my hands on my knees. "Liam," I say breathlessly as breathing starts to become harder. I hear footsteps come running over to me as I fall to the ground.

"Harry? Harry!" I hear a irish accent yell.

"Oh god, Niall go get help!" Liam shouts.

"From who?"

"We're at damn hospital! Anyone will do!" And that's all I hear before I lose consciousness .


Hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be up soon. Yay! I love spring break!

-Selena .xx

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