Chapter 10 - Regret Nothing

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Song of this Chapter; Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran ( Ginger Jesus ! )

Zayns P.O.V.

"Zayn, Zayn...ZAYN!" I shoot up out of my chair startled by the shouting in my ear.

"What the hell Liam?!"

"Harry still isn't back," Liam says biting his nails ignoring my annoyed look. Anyone who knows me knows I hate being woken up. I notice we are in Louis' hospital room. I remember that we spent the night here.

"You're overreacting already, I'm sure he's fine, he's a smart boy, he can take care of himself," I reassure Liam rubbing circles on his back.

"But Zayn, did you see his face when he came storming out of Louis' room? Just thinking back makes my heart wrench,"

"Of course I saw his face, I'm sure this is hard for him, I mean they are the closest so you should of known he would be the one to walk out,"

"I guess so..." Liam trails off as he lifts his head and rubs his hands over in face in frustration. "But what if he does something stupid Zayn? What if he gets into trouble? What if he hurts himself?

"Liam stop with all these 'what if's! I KNOW Harry will be fine,"

Liam lets out a loud sigh in defeat.

"How do you know that mate?" Realizing that wasn't Liam's voice I snap my head up to see Niall's bright blue iris' staring intently at me expectantly.

"Uh, because, like I said, Harry is a smart lad and can take care of himself," and with that weak explanation I nod my head signaling I'm done talking. Although I say these things to calm Liam and Niall I actually think its more to calm myself. I know Harry all too well. There's no way he'll stay out of trouble. But I can't have Niall and Liam thinking otherwise. Liam is already under enough stress, I mean with his recent break up with Danielle and feeling the need to always look after us, I know how hard it is for him. Then there's Niall, he has zero tolerance for stress. When Niall gets stressed its never good, he doesn't know how to handle it. The thing about it is, is that when Niall gets stressed then its Liam's job to calm him down, but that puts an even bigger burden on Liam's shoulders. You just can't win when it comes to these type of things.

"Zayn?" My eyes flick up to see Niall staring at me once again.


"What are you thinking about?" Niall questions me. He looks so vulnerable right now, I honestly don't want to tell him what I'm thinking. I don't want to get him worked up over nothing, so I just try to play cool.

"Oh, nothing, y'know just hopin' Louis will be okay," I reply trying to act casual.

"Yeah okay, if you say so Malik," Niall eyes me suspiciously. Damn I'm a terrible liar when it comes to Niall. I mean he's my bestfriend. Well all the lads are my bestfriends, but Niall and I just have a stronger bond in friendship. I hear Liam's breathing pick up so I glance over at him.

"You alright Liam?"

"Yeah, just overreacting again.."

I know that's not really why his breathing picked up but I just leave it, I'll ask him about it later.

Silence fills the room so I take this a sign to go back to sleep. I lean my head against the wall, relax my back against the uncomfortable hospital chair and drift to sleep.

Liam' P.O.V

I can't shake this feeling that something is wrong. I just don't trust Harry out alone. Zayn seems too calm, he knows how troublesome Harry is, so why is he so confident that Harry will be fine. I know he said I was overreacting but I can't help it. It's a habit since I play the role of 'Daddy Direction'. I look over and Zayn is sleeping, letting light snores out his mouth intruding the once silent room. I glance at Niall to frown at the sight of him shivering and whimpering. He's curled up in a ball on the leather couch. I know I shouldn't, but I fight all my senses telling me to leave him be and I get up quietly walking towards him.

Tell Me A Lie (Larry Stylinson) [On Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora