Chaptet 8 - Coma

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Updateeeee! :D Apologizing in advance for any spelling mistake as i typed this quickly so i could update for you guys! Enjoy!



Harry P.O.V.

We all stand there awkwardly. Not really knowing what to say. At this moment all of us are crying, besides me. I know I'm showing no emotion because I can see Zayn staring at me as if he's waiting for me to break down. I really don't know what I'm feeling. I'm still shocked and haven't fully taken in the fact that Louis is in a coma.

"I suppose you'd like to go in and see him?" The doctor asks walking towards us.

"Uh yeah, that would be nice," Liam replied in a weak voice.

"Lets go then," Niall says through hiccups.

"No, I want to go alone, you guys can go in together first, but after you come out I want to go in by myself. I want to be with Louis alone...if you guys don't mind..." I quickly add the last part in trying not to sound too harsh. They all stare at me. I suddenly feel very insecure and try to fix my hair as they are all taking in my figure before saying anything. Zayn nudges Liam's arm and Liam looks at Niall and then nods.

"Yeah of course. I mean you are his bestfriend so its only fair," Zayn speaks up. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Thanks mates," and with that they all walk towards Louis' room leaving me in the waiting room by myself. I take a seat trying to calm myself. But I find that trying to calm myself isn't working. I'm on the verge of tears but I need to be strong. It feels like I've been sitting in the waiting room for hours when in reality its only been a few minutes. I wonder how much damage was done. I really want to see Louis but at the same time I don't because I know I probably won't be able to handle it. I start to get anxiety as I stare and wait for the door to Louis' room to open indicating that it's now my time to go in. I tap my foot impatiently and know if I don't calm down I will have an anxiety attack. I stick my hand in my pocket and pull out my wallet. I open it and pull out a picture of Louis and I cuddling asleep on the couch. Liam took it when he came on my birthday to make breakfast and we were still asleep. I always keep it in my wallet. It calms me down. If it weren't for this picture then my anxiety attacks would follow through making it almost impossible to calm myself down. I continue to stare at the picture taking in every detail of Louis sleeping figure intertwined with mine. I stare until the constant tapping of my foot goes away and I'm calm again.

"Harry, you alright?" Niall asks sounding impatient. Woah, when did he get here.

"Uh, yeah, fine, I guess you guys are done then?" I ask gesturing to the now three boys towering over me.

"Harry, we've been standing in front of you for almost 5 minutes now trying to get some response from you. You just sat there and stared at that picture you have." Liam said moving his hand towards the picture. I quickly swipe the picture back into my wallet before he he can grab it and glare at him.

"Woah, sorry there Styles..." Liam trails off. I get up and walk through the body barrier they had set up in front of me and storm into Louis room, quickly closing the door and resting my forehead on it. I let out a loud sigh and close my eyes. I open them pulling myself together and turn around slowly. My eyes finally meet Louis' body. I see my vision start to blur as I look at the sight in front of me.

"Oh Lou, what have I done?" That was the second time I've asked myself that question today and quite frankly I was running out of answers. Why do I have to screw everything up? Why did I fucking let him walk out? It's been getting harder to surpress my anger lately.

I walk over to the plastic hospital chair by Louis' bed and lower myself on to it. I grab Louis' hand and intensely stare at the frown on his face. Seeing him so unhappy, even in a coma, breaks and shatters my heart into a million pieces. I squeeze his hand hopefully but knowing that I won't get a response.

"Please Louis, come back to me, pl-please," my voice finally cracks at the end and the the tears stream down my face. I push his hair away from his eyes and stare at his eyelashes resting on his now pale cheeks. He's lost all color in his face. If he could see himself now he would immediately rush to the tanning salon. I manage a dry laugh at the thought of the day Louis forced me to go tanning with him because he said I looked like an "albino child". He always knew how to make me smile. I snap back to reality and stare at Louis for the longest time. I still can't believe this is all happening. I squeez Louis hand again, yearning for him to squeeze back in reassurance. But as reality hits I know that won't happen I stand up and quickly stride out of his hospital room. I slam the door startling the lads awaiting my arrival back to them. I can feel the tears falling. I head towards them, but I don't intend to stop.

"Harry are-" but Niall is cut off as I continue walking past them. I don't bother taking the elevator and instead take the emergency stairs. I practically run down the stairs and out the hospital. I realize that I have no car because we came here in Zayn's car. So I guess I'll be walking. More time to clear my head I suppose.

I start to walk towards what I believe to be the way home. I don't bother trying to hide who I am so a lot of people are staring. I give anyone who makes eye contact a glare and never stop walking despite the many people pointing. Feeling all those peoples eyes on me is overwhelming. I start to run to get away from all the wandering eyes. I turn down an alley and huff as I attempt to catch my breath. I slam my fist against the wooden bricks of a random building in anger. I can't hold my whimper back anymore and I just let the tears pour. I let all my feelings out as I punch the wall and scream, causing a scene. I don't do it intentionally, but I just can't help it.

"What the hell are you staring at?!" I shout at a hobo who happened to be sitting by the giant garbage can in the alley. The hobo looks down and back up at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"Well if you don't mind me asking-"

"Actually I do," I quickly retort back. There's an awkward silence. "I'm sorry, I've just been through a lot today.." The hobo takes that as a sign to continue his question.

"Well as I was saying, if you don't mind me asking, can you please leave my alley?" Wow, that was not what I was expecting the hobo to ask. I thought he would ask what was wrong and I could vent to random hobo, but clearly he wasn't interested.

"Uh, yeah, sorry.." I trail off, not doing a very good job of hiding my embarrassment.

"Oh, and by the way, if you need to get away, which you look like you do, there's a bar about 5 minutes from here. You look like a smart one so I'm sure you'll be able to find it." I just nod at the hobo and leave his "territory".

I start to walk down the street determined to find this bar. I needed to get away, the hobo was right. I needed to forget, to forget my feelings, to forget my problems and most of all, to forget Louis.


So sorry it took so long to update! I was gonna update Sunday by I spent all day stalking Niall on twitter since it was St. Patricks day, the day of the Irish! And i was then gonna update Monday, only to be reminded that I had to write my Algebra essay and my Language arts essay and then do my Algebra homework. So i was up till 12 with homework so i went to bed, sorry! But the point is, heres an update and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Bye bye!(:


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