Chapter 4: Discussions, Flight and other discussions

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Story Arc: Welcome to Wartwood

Episode 1: The Two Beste, the Devil and the Serial Killer (IV)

Chapter 4: Discussions, Flight and other discussions

Plot: Anne, Marcy, after she finishes eating, starts talking to Bruce.

At first some feelings are hurt, but the girls of Los Angeles begin to understand Bruce better.

When they fly high in the sky, Bruce begins to tell some things that he discovered about the Gems of Calamity.

Then suddenly Carmen perceives a strange energy signature, chasing this clue, they end up in front of an angry fly, while something monstrous is hiding.


POV Narrator

Anne, Marcy and Sprig are still in the Morgans' Vault, sitting around the table no longer full of food.

Somehow Anne managed to make up for 10 days of hunger in one go.

"You know what, Mar-Mar, I think I was too careful with Bruce." Anne said, with a blissful smile, running a hand over her full belly.

Clearly receiving a large amount of exquisite food did wonders for Anne's mood.

'Personal note, I absolutely have to learn how to cook.

Manga and Anime were right, reaching a girl's heart is difficult, but the shortcut is through the stomach.

I think it works for men too. ' Think Marcy, wanting to learn a new skill to make Anne happier and maybe get out of the "I love you like a sister" zone.

"I'm not sure what I ate, but without a trace of a doubt it was the best lunch of my life." Sprig said, having no regrets for his reckless actions of him.

She may not be able to prove to Hop Pop today that she is responsible, but her quest to find a dangerous beast has led her to find some ... ugly creatures that are just as pleasant.

"Bruce, are you done fixing your dragon !?" Anne asks aloud, turning her head in the direction of Bruce who is on top of Ferrus 'head, armed with a wrench the size of a sword, he is currently recalibrating Ferrus' flight systems.

Somehow the huge wrench managed to fit inside the pockets of Bruce's red coat, probably it must be some trick like that, bigger pockets inside or a pocket size for items.

The white-haired Sorcerer instead of asking Ferrus to lower his head and descend like a normal person, decided to jump.

The distance between Bruce and the floor is about ten meters, for a normal person to jump from that high would end very badly. But Bruce was never normal.

As if it were a daily action, Bruce jumped down, landing smoothly on his feet in front of the triangular table.

Sprig being an anthropomorphic frog who has always lived jumping high from place to place, not seeing anything strange in Bruce's jump.

Anne and Marcy are simply surprised to see what Bruce has done.

"How did you do it, did you use air or gravity magic?" Marcy asks, trying to figure out how Bruce jumped ten meters without breaking a bone.

"No magic, just normal physical strength ... normal by my standards being somewhere around Spider-man at the moment." Bruce said, monotonously, not finding his physical prowess something to discuss.

"This day is getting more and more wonderful. First we are rescued by a Class Assassin summons, then we enter a bunker located in a pocket dimension, where a masterpiece of engineering in the shape of a dragon is found!" Marcy said, in an enthusiastic voice, summarizing the most important events of the day.

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