a close call

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Danganronpa AU (basically there all in a Danganronpa killing game), no quirks AU

Plot: sero wakes up without todoroki and finds him died. But something isn't right....

Warnings: death, blood, slight swearing


8:45 AM

Sero woke up in his bed. He looked next to him to find todoroki not there. That was normal. Hanta was usually one of the last people to get up in the morning to meet in the cafeteria. Though, todo was one of the first. Sero got up and put on his clothes. Which just contains a hoodie, sweat pants, and a beanie cause fuck it. (Note: he does have a shirt on under his hoodie). He walked to the cafeteria. "Hey guys." He greeted.

"Hey bro!!!" Denki exclaimed. They did their 'broshake' as they call it and sat down. "Where's sho?" Hanta asked. "Oh he left like 30, 45 minutes ago, hasn't come back yet *ribbit*," Tsuyu explained. "He's probably in the bathroom or something." Katsuki rolled his eyes, he was holding Ejiro's hand tight. He seemed nervous.

Than, there was a loud scream. Everyone immediately got up and ran to the sound. They all expected the worst, and the worst is what they got. They arrived at the scene, the first thing they see is a very terrified deku and blood, lots of it. They second thing they saw was, Momo Yaoyorozu, the ulimate creator, and Shoto todoroki, the ulimate ice skater (authors note: I gave him a random ulimate because I couldn't think of one that would go with his quirk like Momo's) dead, very dead. Blood everywhere.

There was just silence, no one could believe there eyes. You think they would be used to this by now, they have already went through this one time, when Ochako and Mezo..well nevermind. The silence was only broken by the cheery voice of Monokuma over the speakers, "a body has been discovered!~" his voice sang. Sero couldn't help but tear up a bit. It's fun how someone's life can just crumble in a millisecond. 'Maybe if I had woke up a little later' He thought, 'he could have saved him.' But no, shoto was died, gone, never coming back.

9:20 AM

Everyone was investigating the murder scene for the trail later that day, not Hanta though. All he could do was sit next to his died boyfriends body and hold its hand. I know that sounds weird but this is probably the last time Sero will get to see Sho ever again, he just wanted to hold his hand on last time. Even if it was his dead body.

He wished Todoroki was alive. He wished he could hold him again. He wished he could kiss his nice soft lips. He wished and wished. But wishing doesn't fucking do anything. He needed to except that Shoto was died but he couldn't. He just squeezed Sho's hand as tears started rolling down his face.

Than,he felt something unexpected. He felt someone hold his hand. The hand was cold. Hanat immediately jumped and looked over. He saw Todoroki...his eyes open, one of his hands on sero's and the other on his stomach, which is where the stab wound was. "Sho?" Hanta questioned in a soft voice.

Todo let out a groan, tighting the grip on his stomach, "y-yes hanta?" He said very weakly and soft. Everyone turned over to look at the two on the floor after hearing shoto's voice. Sho bent over, coughing up some blood as Sero rubbed his back. Everyone ran over and leaned over them. "Can we get him to the nurse's office?" Hanta asked to all the others, getting up and slowly getting todoroki up after him. Izuku nodded, slowly taking Todo out of Sero's arms and out the room. I guess wishing isn't as useless as he thought.

1:34 PM

Sero sat by shoto's bed, waiting for him to wake up. As much as Hanta really wanted Sho to wake up, he had to be patient. I mean, Todoroki was literally stabbed so it makes sense he passed out a few times. He was just glad he was alive. Glad the love of his life was still alive.

Todo slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sero. "Hey sho.." Shoto tried to sit up but groaned, "hey.." Hanta held sho's hand and rubbed it. "Take it easy..you need to be in good shape for the trail in about an hour." "Do I have to go.." Todoroki mumbled. "Yes, I need you- no us to know how did this to you.." Sero had a serious tone when he talked.

"Hanta..." Todo looked down. "Yes baby? What do you need?." Hanta asked. "Is momo..-" Shoto teared up. Sero sighed, "yes..but I promise..whoever did this to you and her will fucking pay." Sho bursted into tears.

He didn't really care about getting hurt but only if hanta and his friends did. It felt painful to have someone you love die you know?  Now, momo was Todoroki's best friend every since they met in middle school, damn they even came out to each other. Momo was like..family. The family he never had. A caring family. So to discover her dead body on the ground was pretty painful for Todo. Finding out she was died and his sad pitiful life was spared, just makes it hurt even more.

"It's ok baby.." Sero creased Shoto's cheek. "Whoever put us in this sick game will let us out eventually and then we'll put that sicko in jail. No he'll get a death sentence and pay for what happend to Momo, Ochako, and Mezo. I promise." He held out his pinky. Sho took it wrapping his pinky around his lovers. "Now get some more rest..you deserve it."


Word count: 972

Heyy!!! Sorry I havent uploaded recently. Writers block and I have too many ideas. (I have been trying to start like 2 new stories :///) anyway hope you enjoyed the angst!! Also I know the times are probably wrong in my story but like I don't care really. Bye! -Hailey

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