Seroroki but childhood <3

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Plot: 5 year old Shoto goes to the park to interact with other kids but has no luck until a certain black haired male comes to play with him <3

Warnings: slight bullying


A 5 year old Shoto Todoroki was sitting in his tiny room reading, until his mother, Rei, came into the room. "Sho, We're going to the park!" Rei explained excitedly, "You can make some friends isn't that exciting?"

Sho looked up at his mother, who was putting on her best fake smile (not that Shoto noticed it was fake). Shoto slowly nodded, though he wasn't very excited to meet other kids. He always preferred being alone. The idea of talking or just interacting with others besides his family made him feel all nervous and weird.

"Great!" Rei gave Sho some clothes, "Get dressed and then come out so I can put your shoes and socks on." Shoto nodded in understanding. Rei turned around and left the room, leaving to let Sho get dressed.


Shoto walks out of his bedroom, dressed up in a plain white tee shirt with blue jean shorts on. Sho didn't have any "cool" clothes per say, his father only buys plain clothes with no designs on it, just a single-colored shirt.

Shoto sat on the bench next to his front door, handing his mom his socks and shoes. Rei smiled and put them on because little Sho couldn't put them on by himself. After his blue sneakers and plain white socks were on, it was time to head to the park.

"Are you ready to go?" Rei asked, ruffling her child's hair. Shoto nodded. With that, Rei held Sho's hand and unlocked and opened the door to her house. She walked out, Shoto right next to her, and started walking.

The walk to the park wasn't long, only a couple of minutes. They didn't have to cross too many streets to get there either! Rei loved the park they were going to. She always dreamed of taking Sho there but because of her hūßãñd and his 'training' she was never able to. until now, her husband got called into the agency early and all her other children were out with friends, so she could easily sneak Shoto out.

After about 3 minutes, Sho and Rei arrived at the beautiful park. The park was like a big field with a big hill. There was flowers all over it, daisy's too be exact, which gives the place a magical look. The main attraction though was a playground, right next to the hill, and it was PACKED with kids.

At this moment, Shoto got nervous. He has never seen this many kids in his life, how is he going to talk and get along with all of them!? Rei got up to the playground, Sho hiding behind her, and she sat down. Shoto looked up at her. She smiled, "Go on and play honey, I'll be right here."

Sho looked out to the playground and started walking away from his mother. He didn't know what to try first though. There was some much stuff. There were swings, slides, a rock wall, monkey bars, a balance beam, a tire swing, and a sand box! What made it harder is how fun all the equipment looked to Shoto, he had never thought about using all this fun stuff in his life.

He scouted out an empty swing and tried to walk over to it and sit down but was stopped by the kid next to him, a sassy little girl with brown hair and preicing red eyes, "Hey freakazoid! You can't sit there! My friend is sitting there!"

"Oh I'm sorry.." Sho apologized quietly, backing away from the swing. This pattern continued with all the equipment. Shoto would try to use something, be called a name and told he couldn't use it, then he would apologize and walk away. All but one piece of equipment, the sandbox, which was mostly because it had no kids in it.

seroroki (todoroki x sero) One shots!!!Where stories live. Discover now