headcanons cuz i need something to post

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Fluff head canons

♡ Hanta CONSTANTLY buys Sho gifts. Like all the fucking time. Hes spending all his fucking money on him. Sho accepts the gifts and loves them but hate with his whole soul how much money Hanta is spending on him.

♡ Whenever Shoto gets a new special interest, he always goes on hourly rants about it. No one really listens to him about it, expect Hanta, he's always there to listen him rant about whatever the fuck he's really invested in that day.

Shoto is very ticklish, like super ticklish and Hanta loves to tease him about it. He likes to tickle Shoto any chance he gets. Like they will be just laying in bed together, enjoying each other's company and BOOM tickle attack. It always put Shoto into a laughing fit too.

♡ Speaking of Shoto's laugh, Hanta loves it and thinks its one of the most cutest things ever. It makes him SO happy whenever he laughs. That's why Hanta loves to make the most cheesy's unfunny dad jokes that are so stupid, Shoto laughs at them. The point is, Hanta loves Sho's laugh

  Hanta is very good at doing hair, like very good. So whenever Shoto is having trouble or is in a rush doing his hair, Hanta ALWAYS helps him do it using his amazing skills

Whenever Shoto visits Momo and Jiro, half the time he just talks about Hanta the whole time. Of course he doesn't do this ALL the time but sometimes.

♡ Whenever Shoto and Hanta get married, Sho would most definitely wear a dress because I think Sho would most definitely love dresses. Plus Hanta really wanted to see Shoto in a dress because he looks very pretty in them

♡ keeping the theme of marriage, Shoto would beat Hanta to the race of proposing. The ring Sho gets would be so fucking nice too, nothing Hanta would EVER think of affording. 

♡ They both love each others smile, like LOVE in all caps. They both think the others smile is adorable and will do anything to make the other smile.

♡ Whenever Hanta is sick (He gets sick a lot), Shoto goes into full house husband mode, making him soup, giving him a trashcan when he needs to throw up, giving him tissues, etc. (Hanta does the same when Sho gets sick but he rarely does so he doesn't get to be a house husband that much :( )

That's all my headcanons lol. Sorry I don't post much any more, I'm working on stories in this book and two others on my other account.

Word count: 430

seroroki (todoroki x sero) One shots!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang