hot Cocoa and cold soba

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Fluff and (slight) angst

Plot: Shoto overworks himself training with his father and passes out. Hanta sees him and helps him with hot cocoa and cold soba<3

This is a request by MeGustaBurito or Beetlejuice6six6 (same person just don't know what account they are currently using) (my first request YAYYY)

Warnings: passing out, mentions of not eating


The school bell rang just Aizawa Sensei had finished his lesson. Which meant one thing, it was the weekend!! Shoto couldn't help but smile. Weekends were much more exciting ever since he got a boyfriend. He spent all of his free time on the weekends with Hanta having movie dates and such. It made him so happy.

He got out of his seat and walks towards the door of the classroom, unlike most of his peers who ran out of the door as soon as the bell rang. He left the class and headed outside so he could walk to the dorms. But when he got outside, he got a call. And it was from the person he dreaded most.

His father.

Shoto groaned and thought about if he should pick up or not. But he ended up picking up since he didn't want his father to be mad at him. "Ah, Shoto you finally picked up." He heard his father's deep voice in his ear. Shoto grumbled, "What do you want old man?"

"I want you to come home this weekend for extra training." Endeavor said in a demanding tone. Shoto's eyes widened, "Why???" "I don't owe you any explanation. You just need the extra training." Endeavor had the same demanding tone as he talked. Shoto thought for a moment.

Shoto really didn't want to go home. He would must rather stay at the dorms and be with his friends and boyfriend. But, he knew he couldn't say no. If he did, Endeavor would most likely retaliate and make him go home anyway. He will probably also make the training extra rough, which would mean more pain for Shoto.

Shoto was in a real pickle. So, he reluctantly agrees, "Ok..I'll be right over..." Shoto could sense Endeavor smiling even though he couldn't see him, "Good. I'll be waiting in the training room for you."

Shoto sighed and hung up the phone. He looked at the UA dorm building. He frowned at it. He would rather just disobey his father and walk inside that building. But he was too scared. So he turned back towards the UA gates and started walking out of campus.


The weekend was absolutely awful for Shoto. The training was absolutely torture. Shoto worked day and night training, overworking himself. He barely got any sleep or ate anything (despite Fuyumi telling him over and over to eat dinner), and was completely covered in bruises and burns.

And too make it worse. Shoto had school. You be thinking, well Shoto can just stay home from school. Nope. Endeavor would be so so upset and angry if Shoto skipped school. He always says, "Heroes don't get days off because there sick. So you shouldn't either."

Also, Shoto didn't like skipping school in general. He didn't like being too overwhelmed with work. Because of that, he had perfect attendance (But he was sent home a couple of times because he was too injured to be in school).

So, he got up for school that day. He was sore, super sore. But he didn't really care. He had been to school with bruises and burns before so he didn't care much. It was hard getting up but he forced himself. He got dressed in his uniform and walked out of his room.

He walked into the kitchen, seeing his sister Fuyumi was there. "Good morning Sho!" She sang. Shoto smiled, "Good morning Fuyumi." "Do you want some breakfast?" "No I'm good." Fuyumi frowned, "Shoto. You haven't eaten all weekend."

seroroki (todoroki x sero) One shots!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant