"I will support you no matter what"

334 7 6

Angst (has a happy ending)

Trans Shoto :0 (ftm)

Plot: Shoto gets outed :(

Other ships:

Soft Shoto


Shoto has been a boy for a while now. But he wasn't always one. He started off as a girl with the name *insert dead name* (I'm too lazy to make up one).

It wasn't until 7th grade that he decided he wanted to change this gender (with the help of his best friend Momo). Not soon after he saved up enough money and bought his own binder.

Then, he started to wear it and changed his name to Shoto. He wore it everywhere, expect for home. Sho was very scared on how his father would react to him changing his gender.

Luckily, when he did come out, his father was confused but was supportive nonetheless. He even gave Shoto money to go get a haircut (which he was very happy about). Even though sometimes Enji gets his name mixed up, he always corrects himself and makes sure to apologize for the mix up.

And then, when Shoto got accepted into UA, He went in as a new person. He didn't go in as the stupid girl he used to be, he was Shoto. The person we always wanted to be.

But he did take some precautions.

He never told anyone he was trans. Except for Jirou and Momo because Momo already knew and he trusted Jirou enough to keep his secret. And he never changed or showered with anyone.

Since he was registered as a boy, he has to change and shower with the rest of the boys. But he didn't because that would reveal he was trans and he didn't want to get reported. He knew if he was caught in the boys lockrooms for his girly parts, he may be reported for being a weirdo and trying to spy on the boys.

So he took showers and changed after everyone left. Just to be safe and so he doesn't get kicked out.

But besides that, he was free and happy. Everyone knew him as Shoto and a boy. Not a stupid girl like he was born. He had great friends and supportive family. And greatest over all, the most handsome,kind,caring, and funny boyfriend in the world.

Hanta Sero.

Hanta is always there for Sho, whenever he's having family issues, he's hot,he never fails to Shoto laugh, and many more. He's the perfect Boyfriend. Or at least Sho saw him that way.

Shoto and Hanta have been dating for 5 months. And Sho has yet to come out to him due to the fear of Han leaving him. Though in the back of his mind, Shoto knows he wouldn't leave him, just in case.

But he was still happy even though Hanta didn't know he was trans. So happy.

Until today.

"Have fun with Kyo!" Shoto said and smiled at Momo. Momo smiled back, "Oh I will." "Bye Momo!" "Bye Sho!" With that, they parted ways, Shoto went into his dorm while Momo went to hers.

Sho closed his door, not bothering to lock it, and flopped on his bed. He grabbed his phone and was not surprised to find people in his class group chat talking.

Class 1-A group chat

Denki: Dudes, has anyone seen my Pikachu squishmellow
I paid 15 bucks for it :(

Katsuki: Idc

Mina: check under ur bed

Hanta: Y is it so expensive

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