Your calls make the pain go away

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Hella Fluff and very slight angst

inspo: The image above

Plot: Shoto unfortunately has to go home to his father for winter break. After some tough training, Sho is in his room in tears but one call with his boyfriend makes all the pain go away.

warnings: mention of Self harm, implied abuse


Shoto sighed as he watched his boyfriend drive away in his mom's car. They had just said goodbye to each other, which meant Sho had to do the thing he dreaded most. Walking to the living hell he calls his childhood home and stay there for a full week. 

The reason he had to stay there is because it's winter break. Winter break is a random week in January, where all the students are kicked out of the dorms and stay wherever they lived before. Many students liked this random break, Sho didn't.

He hated going back to his childhood home ever since Fuyumi moved out with her girlfriend. It also didn't help that Natsuo wasn't home much anymore because of med school, which has completely different break schedules than UA. That left Shoto all alone with his father, the one person he despised in his whole family.

Not only is he an abusive asshole, but he is always making comments about Sho or Hanta! He either comments on Shoto's body and how he's gaining weight or that his grades have been getting low, even though he has all A's. He always questions him and Hanta's relationship too!

 He always says things to Sho like, "you couldn't have chosen someone better?" or "Are you sure you love him?" He also likes to degrade Hanta and make comments about his appearance and personality like saying his clothes make him look like a slob or that he's lazy and disrespectful which is not true at all!

Well except the disrespectful part, Hanta is super disrespectful to Shoto's father. He absolutely despises Sho's father.  Even since Shoto opened up to him about the abuse, he hated him. Every time he hangs out at Sho's house, he always shows attitude and disrespect towards Enji. He knows endeavor hates him too but doesn't care, Hanta doesn't need his blessing when him and Shoto get married.

 Anyway, Sho plopped his Airpods in and played the playlist Hanta made for him. It always brings him comfort, even though half of the songs where cheesy rap and pop songs he doesn't enjoy, the comfort comes from the fact Hanta made it.  Even though Hanta was no where near him, it somehow made it feel like he was right next to him, mouthing the words to the stupid song that was playing.

Unfortunately, the walk to the Todoroki house was very short, feeling like five minutes instead of fifteen. As soon as Shoto walked in front of his old home, he felt a sense of dread. The home looked so gloomy from the outside which perfectly matches the inside feel. How old the house was also didn't help the creepy and dreaded feel.

Sho took a big deep breath before walking up the driveway and up to the door. He reluctantly pulled out his key and unlocked the door. He opened the door and walked inside, shutting the door behind him. He was hit with a wave of nostalgia as soon as he looked around. He hadn't been here in a while, it was weird coming back after being in the dorms for so long. 

Shoto was silent for a second, listening. 'Thank god..I don't think he's here.' Sho thought, breathing a sigh of relief when he didn't hear his father anywhere. He smiled and walked down the hall to the stairs but his relief was short-lived when he heard a door open next to him and a deep voice said, "Ah, Shoto. Your home earlier than I thought you would be."

"I thought you would have been hanging out with that mutt of a boyfriend you have." "He had to go home with his family." Shoto said, trying to ignore the fact that he called Hanta a mutt. "Good, we can have extra training today," His father called moving out of the door way and holding the door open, "Let's see how good UA made you."


Shoto looked down, trying to keep the tears in his eyes as he walked into his room. He closed the door behind him and broke down. He buried his head into his pillows to muffle his cry even though no one was around to hear them. During their seven hour training session, his father got a call telling him to come to the agency and just like that, his father was gone.

The training was very severe today, most likely to make up for the past training he missed because of the dorms. It was longer than usual. Usually, training would be five hours and then a break, then another hour. But today it was seven hours straight, going on eight, with no break. Shoto was also called weak and many different mean names when he didn't block a punch or got hit. It made Sho feel fucking worthless.

Right now, he just wanted to fucking die, disappear, lay down and never wake up. He hated life right now and nothing could make him feel better..


Shoto head Immediately shot up and he picked up the phone, recognizing the ringtone he gave his boyfriend. Sho wiped his eyes and smiled as Hanta showed up on his facetime, "Hey Sho!" "Hi." Shoto tried to smile but he was still sad, very sad. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just you know, my father." Shoto grumbled, running one of his hands through his hair. Hanta smiled, "Yeah I feel you, what did he call me this time?" "A mutt." "Well, if I'm a mutt than hes a dingbat." Sho chuckled, smiling. "Yeah, he's a lot of things. Guess what he tried to do today?" 

"What?" Hanta asked. "I'm Ninety-nine percent sure he tried to destroy the bracelet you gave me." Shoto retorted. "What!? Our matching ones?" Hanta asked, trying to sound surprised. "Yep but don't worry it's all safe and sound." Shoto smiled, showing the handmade floss bracelet on his wrist.

"I'm glad, that took a long time to make." Hanta said, also showing off the bracelet he made for himself, matching with his boyfriend. Sho pulled the blankets over his body, "I would never let him destroy it. Never ever." "Never?" "Never!" Hanta chuckled, "God, why was I so lucky to get such a cute and caring boyfriend?" Shoto blushed, "I don't know. Maybe you should thank the school system?" 

"I'll make sure to call them and thank them for putting us in the same class." Hanta said and Sho giggled, but then frowned a little. "You know Han? I wasn't very honest with you.." Hanta smiled dropped. "I-I wasn't ok. I was crying a lot because my father was very rough on training and made me worthless. Before you called, all I wanted to do was cry, damn I was even thinking of ending my six month long self harm free journey, but..when you called and when we started talking, I immediately started feeling better. Your voice and your face is like magic Hanta, it just immediately made me start feeling safe and happy. The point is, Hanta your face, voice, smile, hair, god ever single part of you makes my pain go away."  

Hanta just stared at the phone screen, shocked and very red. "Wow, Sho, I'm at a loss of words..." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm super glad I make you happy like that, I'm so happy I'm your escape from the living hell that you have to go through. I'm just so fucking happy that I make you as happy as you make me." Shoto blushed, his face a light pink. He mumbled, "Can I sneak out and go to your house?..I want to see you.."

Hanta smiled and chuckled, "Of course baby, but why my house?" "My father doesn't want people over when he's not here or at least not them coming when he leaves." Sho sighed. "Ah, alright. I'll tell Mamá to leave the door open for you ok?" Hanta said and Shoto nodded. "Ok. I'll be over in a minute. Bye, love you Hanta" "Love you too Sho. Stay safe."


Word count: 1405

Hey everyone! I'm glad I have the motivation to post stories again! I'm actually super proud of this story and I think it's really cute even though it was short. Anyway, Love ya byeee

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