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As I sat.

And I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I waited for the day,

the moment, the hour,

the single split second,

words would come.

They would spill out

across the floor,

spread to every corner of the room

and soak down into the depths of the ground below.

They would spread their wings,

stop for a moment,

with a glisten in its eye,

and soar into the midnight sky.

I sat alone

like the sad little girl I was,

and I told myself

"He'll come around. "

I whispered into the ears

of my shattered heart.

With such a sweet and twisted tone on my tongue,

I spoke with only one proposition.

This singular promise

would chain me to the floors,

set me behind hypothetical steel bars,

bind me to the false invitation.

And after awhile

a curious, mysterious thought

crept hauntingly into my blinded mind

with the most evil of intentions.

This thought was the kind

that picks you up and throws you miles off track,

leaving you to lift yourself

from the tattered, broken rubble.

It's the sound of a car crash,

an oncoming train.

It's the agonizing feeling -

of feeling abandoned.

But the twist in the story plot

begins right here, right now ladies and gentlemen.

What if the thought wasn't the criminal...

but only the boy who manipulated my heart?

His actions screamed at me,

threw themselves at me,

hollered warnings at me and struck me with signs.

They needed to say something.

With the mute button pressed,

it was already too late.

My ears were silenced,

there was nothing I could accept.

All I could hear

was the murmur of lies

he delicately crooned

into my bewitched ears.

All I could feel

was the racing pulse of my heart,

the warm swelling that exploded

inside my empty chest.

All I could see

was the adoring look reflected

in the mirrors of his green iris

from mine to his.

All I could say

was 'I love you',

even when I knew deep down,

I didn't.

My blind helpless heart

could not see the shovel

it was using to dig itself

into a pit of regret.


Hey guys! So I know this is pretty intense stuff so I was just wondering,

Should I keep posting more emotional, in depth poems like this one?

Or start writing more light poems to add to my collection?

Comment what you think of the collection so far and any recommendations for what I could start doing 'cause I'd like to shake things up alittle :)

Keep commenting and voting! Love you guys :)

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