Careless Bastard

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When you told me.

When the words were so

delicately displayed

on the bright screen,

and they hissed at me

with such venom in their eyes.

They clawed at my heart,

and tried to grasp its meaning

so carefully locked behind

silver metal bars.

They shot at me

with their poisoned arrows,

loaded guns,

Growled through bared teeth,

knives ready to pierce through

my already broken soul.

But alas,

my mind is too smart for you darling.

I knew from the moment

you challenged your trust,

the moment you accused me

of lying to you.

Darling, I already knew

you didn’t want me anymore.

Sure, you can say

you just wanna be single.

Sure, you can say

you just don’t want a relationship.

But I think, the truth, is

you are too lazy to put in the work

for something that could be

so much more than it is.

Than it has been.

It could’ve been great.

But I don’t wanna have that

with a guy who will

so easily give up on me.

Goodbye, careless bastard.

Have a fucking fantastic life.

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