Lonely in No-Man's Land

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Seemingly planned,

but at your command,

I remain lonely

in no-man's land. 

I remember your demand,

we had gotten out of hand,

but I could barely withstand

being lonely in no-man's land. 

Our relationship was like sand;

bound to eventually disband,

but you've still managed to make me

feel lonely in no-man's land. 

Self-banished, I stand

with my feet stuck firmly in the stand

of this devestatingly lonely place

called no-man's land. 

With my fragile right hand,

I plunge myself into a planned


from feeling ever so lonely

in no-man's land. 


Hey guys!

So, in a couple of days, April starts! Thank goodness, March was a rough month for me. I hope it was alright for the rest of you. But, in April, the 30/30 Poetry Challenge 2014 starts up and once again, I shall be taking the challenge! 30 days of poetry, and I'm also pairing it with Camp Nanowrimo, also starting in April, which I am also very excited to be participating in. 

If anyone read my Nanowrimo story from November's go-around, it was rough stuff. Lots of perserverance through hard discouragement, but I made it, and I posted it, and I'm proud of it. The nice thing about April's Camp Nanowrimo is you get to choose your word count, so there's more room to create something different than what you usually write, like poetry or a play. 

So, there will be more frequent posting, and I'm thankful, because when I challenge myself to these things, I get a lot more work done. As long as I don't make it too stressful on myself. But, we'll see how it goes. 

I hope everyone has had a wonderful month, and I'm looking forward to starting this next one with a break, ready to jump right back into the swing of things when school starts back up, and the sprint to the end of the year begins. 


Em :)

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