Into The Wild

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  • Dedicado a Christopher Johnson McCandless

To escape.

From this twisted society

we all call


Run away

from the screaming

and the fighting

and the daily abuse

of this foreign place called


Break loose

from the chains

of the way

we're supposed

to live our lives.


from the preconceived

notion of the idea

of one's happiness.


from the walls

that trap in a

definition of

'This is how it is.

Just accept it.'

Live free

with a smile

and a backpack,

nothing more.

Venture through

the wilderness,

the vast unknown,

uncharted paradise.

Have the sun

shine down from heaven,

brightly onto your

dirt smudged face

and show you

the true warmth

of compassion.

Kiss goodbye

all the broken memories

of a past life

and start a newly entitled


Escape from

the life you once knew,

and create a completely

different way of living,

into the wild.


Just a side note about the inspiration for this poem:

This is dedicated to Christopher Johnson McCandless and his adventure to a greater truth. Referred to as Alexander Supertramp during his trip from Virginia to Alaska, he traveled with nothing but his mind and a backpack. I recently watched the film based on his life, Into The Wild. (Which I HIGHLY recommend, it's really good :)).

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