Bus Thoughts

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And there you go,

sprinkling triggers all over my life,

causing my mind

to run off with you,


When I sit down,

I sit on the left side,

just in spite of you.

I can see your scowl,

picture perfect replay in my head,

as you peer from the seat

to the right of me,

motioning me to come back.

I just want to be with you,

you capitulate.

Everywhere I go,

there are pieces of you,

glistening like broken glass

scattered every which way;

on the streets,

in the turn lanes,

in the parking lots,

in the tires of cars,

in the petals of flowers,

in the metal in which confines them,

displayed on the signs

for everyone to see.

I see you in the reflection

of the window,

the faint outline of your mouth

curling slyly at the corners.

Your fingertips are engraved

into the soft transfer ticket,

leaving spots,


a marking of your existence.

Proof you were here.

As I watch the explosion

of bright pinks,

fluorescent oranges,

effervescent purples

across the setting sky,

I feel a tug.

Deep, silent,

but strong.

I put my earbuds in,

and block out the sound

of someone calling my name.

I smirk,

and turn the music up louder.

I sigh as the bus

pulls into the station;

we were just here,

you and me.

Conquering just one day,

together and alone.

You showed me independence,

and pulled my heart strings

into a harsher grip

than before.

I’m losing oxygen

from the pressure of this feeling.

It’s hard to say

how long I’m going to last...

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