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The melody gently brushes my lips

as it flows through the room, dancing

like an ice skater across the slick ice,

with delicacy and grace.

She whispers sweet lies,

and he mindlessly believes.

The glass lights shimmer above us,

as the notes continue to waltz.

I notice the old man in the corner,

drunken and smiling.

The bubbly liquor sloshes

against the diamond surface

of the carefully constructed glass.

All alone, he closes his eyes,

and begins to dance.

To and fro,

he lets the sweet sounds

dictate where he feet shall fall,

his glass still loosely positioned

between his aged fingers.

The intoxication sets in and the line

between embarrassment and confidence


But, I didn’t mind.

Whatever was going on

in that man’s life deserved

one good dance to forget.

We all deserved one,

otherwise we wouldn’t have been in

that room of booze,

of secrets,

of forgetting.

Sometimes forgetting is better,

sometimes it’s not.

But the liquor allows that decision

to be postponed for a later date,

and naturally,

humans crave irresponsibility.

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