Chapter One: Truth or lies?

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Look who's back? Me! That's who, he he ;-) Well anyway, yeah I'm trying to hurry up and finish this book series so I could get started on the whole new story I've been thinking about. The story will be called 'Beast Academy' the story will be high school themed so yeah, that sort of drama and kind of mindless love stuff, so be ready for that!


The sun shone brightly in Victoria village, all the villagers gathered around the front gate of the castle where the stage was and Haku, Bonnie and Aidan stood on the stage, Arihiko stood at the centre front of the stage and held a mic in his had getting ready to speck. "Welcome, People of Victoria! The day has finally come, Aidan's coronation day he will take Mack Lucado's place and throne as King of Victoria village!" The crowd went wild with applause and cheers, Arihiko handed the mic to Aidan as he walked to the front Aidan wore a silver and gold royal robe with the golden crown on his head and smiled widely at all the people then he looked at the sky wishing his father could see him now.

"People of Victoria, I will do my best as your King and help with any need I can you have or any problems, I may not be the same as my father completely, but I will do my best to keep this village safe!" The crowd once again applauded and cheered, Aidan smiled and waved at the people, but then storm clouds began to gather and thunder flashed as the surrounding became dark.

"Safe? Are you sure you would be able to live up to that promise?" A voice of a man said, Aidan looked around trying to see who it was who said that then he looked behind him, Bonnie and Haku were gone Aidan became scared and shocked as he wondered where they were. Then all of a sudden flames surrounded the village, burning down every building and cries of pain from different people filled the air as someone running so fast he was a blur, killing all the villagers. "Well, King? Are you keeping them safe now? Is your FAMILY safe?!" Someone stood in front of Aidan, he looked up to see a man in a black cloak, wearing a gold mask which had red markings and his eyes were red like blood.

"What have you done to my home?!?" Aidan shouted at the man with rage building up inside him as he saw the culprit who lit the flames and killed those innocent people of the village, the man growled with just as much rage back at Aidan.

"This was your own fault, King of lies! You kept what should have been revealed and failed to save the victim who deserved to know the truth, but instead fed that victim lies!" The masked man turned his back and walked away from Aidan, the flames died down to reveal the destroyed buildings and dead bodies were scattered everywhere, Aidan turned around to see the castle also in ruin. He turned back around and ran towards the masked man wanting to attack him, make him pay for what he did, but he disappeared in thin air making Aidan trip and fall to the ground. When Aidan got back up he saw Bonnie a few metres away, facing the broken down gates of Victoria, Aidan ran towards her wanting to know if she was alright. Once he got near Bonnie, Aidan was about to reach out and grab her, but when she turned around Bonnie was in her Winged Panther form glaring at him with her violet eyes dark with anger. Aidan took a few steps back in surprise and shock as he saw her, Bonnie stretched out her ten metre wings making herself bigger.

"This is your downfall, Aidan you failed to protect your home and lost everything to your selfishness!"

"What?! No, Bonnie please! Don't do this, I only did it to protect you!" Bonnie scoffed and turned her back to Aidan about to take off, but she looked back at Aidan showing no emotion in her expression or her eyes.

"Does it look like I need protecting from a mortal like yourself? You kept me in the dark, Aidan and that led me into a life of suffering of hate from others and the pain of not fully getting to know who I am or was." With that Bonnie flew into the sky, Aidan watched her go, pain exploded in his heart as he fell to his knees and was on the verge of sobbing when he heard someone walk over to him.

"Leave her be, King of lies she will do better in the path she is on now." Aidan knew it was the masked man, Aidan got up and tried to punch him, but he caught his fist before it connected with his mask. "Like you failed the safety of the village, you will also fail Bonnie, your so called sister."

"Fuck you, son of a bitch!"

"Oh, so you can curse! But you should remember me as Razor!" Razor punched Aidan in the face causing him to black out.

~End of Dream~

Aidan's P.O.V.

I woke up sweating and shivering from the aftermath of the dream, I looked around and knew I wasn't in my room, then I remembered I was in Inferno City staying at the Phoenix hotel and bar. I sighed as I tried to relax and get rid of the tension, but it didn't work the fear seemed to linger in me like glue I heard someone come into my room, I turned around to find Arihiko standing in front of the closed door behind him with his arms crossed over his chest. He wore a plain white shirt with a black thin jacket and simple jeans, his hair was a little tousled and still looked pretty tired, he looked at me like he was going to ask something seriously dangerous from me.

"It was about Bonnie, wasn't it?"

"Yeah....." I knew he was referring to the nightmare I just had because we've been staying here for three days, Arihiko and Blood trained at the Blaze arena to get stronger so I decided to join in on the sessions, but ever since that talk with Bonnie I've been getting different nightmares about Bonnie. One of them scared me shitless and I ended waking up screaming making Arihiko rush to my room asking what was happening, at that point I felt like a kid, but this was serious! Those dreams are about the guy who took my home and Bonnie blaming me for the loss of Victoria village.

I got up and walked over to the balcony window to stare at the sky wondering what would father do in this sort of situation, how could I make all of this right again?

"We should head out to the next place we need to go, Bloody Desert is where the forth Legend Host is......should we pack now or later?"

I thought for a while then I looked at Arihiko giving him a slight nod. "Yes we will leave today, get everything we need and we'll be off to Bloody Desert!"

"Aye, aye captain!" Arihiko did a small salute before heading back out, I went to the bathroom to have a shower as I got out and looked at myself on the mirror I was kind of surprised at how I looked. My eyes were a little dull and my skin looked pale as well, it was like I was staring at myself as a ghost or something these nightmares are really taking their toll on me. When I was all dressed, packed and ready to go I joined Blood, Arihiko and Jin outside, wait, Jin? What's he doing here?


"Oh, Good morning Aidan, you know since you guys are taking my brother with you I thought it wouldn't hurt if I could come with you?"

I smiled as I nodded at Jin in response then we were finally on our way to find the next Legend Host! We'll be there soon, Bonnie! We will find and save you.

"Does it look like I need protection from a mortal like yourself?" I shook my head to get rid of Bonnie's taunting voice in my head, 'She wouldn't say that to you! That was just a nightmare, a dream!' I thought as I tried to cool my nerves, I need to get rid of this fear in me, sigh......this was going to be a very long and hardest journey of my life, but I'm not giving up, not what I've been through so far and not now!

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