Chapter Eleven: Shocking news and Breaking out

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Hey! So as you can tell by the title above this is gonna be a fun little crappie with some action! Heh and yeah hope you guys enjoy this! That's all 😊😋

That is Wolfsbane up there! One of the killer three, hehe

Arihiko's P.O.V

Hopeless......that's how I'm feeling right now, I can't feel Nekora's aura anymore, it's like she just completely vanished or......or she's.......I don't want to think about that, I know she's not dead! She can't be! I lay in my bed where I have been for the past three days, I haven't even left this room but only to go to the bathroom which thankfully thus room has an ensuite that leads to one. I've been laying on this bed just thinking how and why I can't feel Nekora's aura anymore and what those fucking Hunters have done to her, I've cried a lot while thinking about why I can't feel my sister anymore and just been moping a lot. I've refused to come out of my room even when the others try to get me out I just tell them to leave me alone and I'll be fine, but honestly with this type of knowledge about Nekora, the fact that I can no longer feel her presence at all in the Region scares me. I know I shouldn't be doing this, heck I should be with the others training my ass off determined to do whatever it takes to try and become stronger so that I can try and get Nekora back.......but right now I just feel so useless, so hopeless.

A knock was heard at the door and my scent I can tell that it was Aidan I called out a yes letting him in, I heard the door open and close the sound of footsteps walking towards my bed Aidan walked around and stood in font of me with a small smile before making the bed dip as he sat on the bed. We both said nothing, I stayed lying in my side while Aidan just stared out the window it wasn't that much of an awkward silence but rather a comfortable silence, we felt the same pain about losing Nekora, we both think of her as our family. Well for me she's my actual sister, but I know Aidan also loves her like a younger sister he's never had and it makes me happy to know that Nekora was well taken care of by Aidan while I was trying to find her to only find out she was right beside me when I arrived at Victoria village. "Arihiko...."

I looked at Aidan to find him looking at me, his eyes were filled with tiredness and I could also the pain and sorrow, those emotions were reflecting my own like a mirror, Aidan reached out a hand to softly ruffle my hair which made me smile a bit. "I know you don't feel good at the moment, but you have to get up! It's now been four days since you've been stuck in this room, please we need you to help us with the preparation."

I sighed and sat up on the bed pulling my knees to myself with my back leaning against the headboard. "I know......I'm just......I'm sorry it's just, my main mission was to find Nekora and protect her until I've brought her back home safely, back to our father. But I failed....I failed my mission and let both him and Nekora down."

"No, this is not your fault!" Aidan pulled me into a hug and held me close to his chest, I returned the hug wrapping my arms tightly around his torso trying to keep away the tears that threatened to fall. "Hiko this is not over, your mission has not come to an end yet and we need you to be strong not just for the Seven but also for Nekora, she needs us. We can't save her without you, it's going to take all of us to bring her back home, back to your home." I looked up at Aidan with teary eyes and he just smiled looking hopeful with tears also in his eyes as well, I know I'm not the only one feeling this much pain.....realisation hits me as I remembered the promise I made to Father so long ago. I made a promise to bring Nekora back safe and sound no matter what the cost, I'm not alone in this....I have to complete my mission, for Nekora and for Father! I smile at Aidan as I made my choice and we both got up and left my room heading for the training grounds where everyone else was.

When we arrived at the underground training area the others were training amongst themselves, Blood and Savanna were in a hand to hand close combat spur, Crystal fought against moving ice figures that seemed to move like real people attacking her and I could see Edmond in his Demi-form(half animal half human) going through an agility course that led to the ceiling with hoops that he jumped through. "Hey! You're finally out of your room!" Cerise called as we approached him Aidan smiled and then had to leave quickly needing to go grab something for the others, I decided to stand with Cerise watching the others since I didn't want to start training again yet.

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