Chapter Six: Battle The Beats

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Hello people! Exams are finally over, YAY! Sorry for taking a long time to update though, but yeah this will make up for yeah.....enjoy!

Pic on the side is Savanna and this is the song that was blasting in the arcade for the dance battle! Yay step up!!!!!

Arihiko's P.O.V.

I followed Jin into a Gaming Arcade which was filled with teenagers playing different video games and music was blasting so loud the walls shook to the beat of the bass, I looked around confused as we entered the place. "Uh, Jin why are we in here? We don't have time to play games." I had to shout out what I said to Jin because of the loud music.

"Cerise said Savanna was here celebrating with her friends when they all passed the Warrior Exams."

"They have exams here?!" For me that's a first although in Victoria we have tests of course, but this sounded different to me.

"Yeah, there's a reason why this village is named 'Bloody Desert' their exams include fighting against a trio team with no limits or any kind of holding back at all, so it's pretty brutal."

"Wait! If that happens then does that mean....."

Jin nodded at the unfinished sentence and looked at me with a sad expression. "Those who fight against the strongest will die in the fight, that's mostly the only way the battle ends, but thankfully it's only one member that has to die. But even so it's still pretty sad."

I just nodded and kept silent I wanted to say something, but I thought it was better not to say anything so I just followed Jin through the huge crowd of loud teenagers either playing games or laughing with other people. "So where"

"Savanna. She should be right over....there!"

Jin pointed at a girl on a stage where the blasting music was coming from, she seemed to be in a one-on-one dance battle with a tall skinned tanned teen with a slim build of a dancer. The girl was spinning and turning, moving to the beat and doing some difficult moves that I thought would be impossible to do, well since I don't really dance that much, but still what she was doing was amazing. "Savanna has been dancing for five years now and she kind of took and interest in doing dance in competitions and battles against other people, she hasn't lost many battles."

"So the Host of Sand is a B-Girl?!"

"Yep." The music stopped as the crowd cheered loudly I looked to the stage to see Savanna holding her hands up in victory while the other guy just walked off the stage looking a little pissed, then the announcer wearing some street clothes and holding a big bag of something walked onto the stage to stand next to Savanna.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our winner! Doing three years in a row dance battle streak, SAVANNA!!!!" The crowd once again went wild with screams and wolf whistles, seems this girl has more than just one fan here.

"Come on, Arihiko!" I looked at Jin finding him leaving the crowd so I just followed after him like a lost puppy since I had no idea where we were going in this teenage video game heaven. We soon got to the back stage and found Savanna just about to leave when she caught sight of us then screamed excitedly running over to Jin giving him a big hug. "Oof! Heh hey, Savanna maybe try not to flatten me like a pancake when greeting me, please?"

Savanna laughed a little before stepping back to look and Jin with a bright smile on her face, she was pretty cute, she had long blonde hair with pink dye in some parts of her hair, pale green eyes and wearing a blue short sleeved t-shirt with black ripped jeans, she stuck out her hand for me to shake which I took and gave her my own smile as she greeted me.

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