Interveiwing Time!

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Yes I'm still doing this deal with it! :p  I'm gonna be the reporter this time.


Reporter: Alright so first up we got Cerise! Let's go through the basics, when is your birthday? And how old are you?

Cerise: June 20th, I'm 24 years old

Reporter: Favourite colour?

Cerise: *chuckles* Brown

Reporter: Okay, so you spent almost eight years without Jin when he was taken from you how did it feel? If you don't mind me asking.

Cerise: be honest it hurt like hell, I thought I lost Jin for sure, but having him show up at Bloody desert again was both surprising and amazing at the same time I thought I was dreaming, but he was actually right there. I was over joyed to have the love of my life, the only love of my life back into my life.

Reporter: Awwww, so you never moved on after he was gone? No one caught your eye?

Cerise: Heh, no not one person caught my eye, I meant what I said when I told Jin that I loved him, I was so in love with him that I couldn't move on from him never in a million years.

Reporter: Wow! Such a strong love! I wish I had that *cries* meh oh well it takes time, alright next person! Thank you Cerise.


Reporter: Look out everybody it's the Gunslinger! Haha okay now, when is your birthday and how old are you?

Jin: 26th of November, I'm 22 years old

Reporter: Wow, heh I never would've guessed that age, what's your favourite colour?

Jin: Gold

Reporter: Ohhhh pretty! How did you escape the jaws of that wolf that took you away from Bloody desert?

Jin: That's....slightly hard to explain, all I remember was waking up in a room and a man took care of me and treated my wounds, he told me that he saved me from a wolf while he was out hunting and I was in a Inferno City I had no idea to get back to Bloody desert so I stayed in Inferno City where I began a new life there and met my brother, Blood.

Reporter: Oh, so that's how you and Blood ended up together as brothers, huh cool. Last question, what's it like being with Cerise again?

Jin: *blushes* Oh well it''s surprising and wonderful to have him back, everyday during those eight years of being apart from him I always thought about him, hoping that one day I would see him again and this journey gave that opportunity.

Reporter: Awww, so cute! Okay the next person is Savanna!


Reporter: Yay! Now it's on to our B-Girl! Okay how old are you and when is your birthday?

Savanna: I'm 18 years old and my birthday is 10th of December.

Reporter: Wow! So you're the youngest out of the Seven! Do you have a favourite colour?

Savanna: Yellow.

Reporter: Cool, so we know that you are a B-Girl and a pretty good one at that, when did that start up?

Savanna: Haha, yeah I guess I've been dancing ever since I knew how to walk, it's always been a huge passion of mine and is one of my outlets for when I need to escape from the world.

Reporter: Hmmm, yeah I understand that, my outlet would be just to listen to music, heh. Last question, what is it like being apart of the Seven and finally getting meet everyone in person?

Savanna: Well, it's really amazing to finally meet everyone from the Seven because I'm finally with other people who are like me, that I'm not the only one who's a Legend Host and I never thought that I'd ever meet the Seven at all! I mean my Father, who was the Host of Sierra before me, he told me that he was only in contact with one of the Seven and he was a solider of Inferno City.

Reporter: Oh, so while he only knew one of the Seven you got to meet the whole team!! Haha that must feel so awesome! Well that's all the time we got today, thank you for taking the time to read this and get to know a little bit more of these wonderful characters! May your life be filled with joy and fun along with exotic butters! XD byeeeee!!!!!

Book Two: Light Vs. DarkWhere stories live. Discover now