Chapter Four: Close

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Hi everyone! Hope you guys are liking the story and stuff and sorry for the slow updates, thanks to school and mock exams coming up as well so yeah hope this will be worth the wait my lovelies!

Picture of Jin on the>>>>>

Aidan's P.O.V.

"So you've already put in the coordinates to where I'm going?" Blood nodded his head as he helped me put on the mechanical bracelet on my wrist then puts his own one on, Jin, Cerise and Arihiko stood with us outside in front of the Bloody Desert gates and Blood explains to me how everything works with the bracelet.

"Alright, so you're going to Aqua village to find the fifth Host and I'm going to Dread Mountain to find the sixth Host, just contact me with the Transporter when you've found the Legend Host and we'll all meet you at the Aqua village Legend Host meeting Hall."

"The what?"

"Oh, right you don't know about that don't you? Well it's a place where The Seven have meetings, usually it's every second new moon it's everywhere even in Victoria village. Surely you knew about it?" Blood raised his eye brow in question and I just shook my head, wow I didn't know Legend Hosts also had meeting places I always thought it was done telepathically or something. "If you thought we only talk to each other through thoughts then yeah we can do that, but we also like to have meetings in person as well because we don't want to drain our power while doing it."

"Oh." Well that explains it.

"Be careful, Aidan, you know this won't be easy and I want to return home with my teacher." Arihiko stood next to me and smiled I returned the smile and patted him on the shoulder, I'm not going to die, not when Bonnie is in trouble or trying to be turned into one of Dark Master's pawns. I'm not going to let my fears get the better of me just because of that day I lost everything because I know I can get it back.....somehow.

"Don't worry, Arihiko I'll be fine I'm more worried of what they're doing to Bonnie.....sigh......I really shouldn't have kept it from her this long...." Arihiko looked at me with understanding and comfort in his eyes as he nodded at me.

"Yeah, true, but you were just going with what you thought was right what's done is done so don't worry about that because we are going to make things right again! You'll see!" Blood took a few steps forward and raised his arm aiming towards the gate with the bracelet and pressed a red button on the bracelet and out shot a portal in front of him, Blood looked back at me and pointed at the bracelet I had on.

"Alright, this is how it goes don't shoot out your portal yet otherwise the two will be next to each other and try to consume one another so you'll just have to wait until I leave and the portal is gone, got it?" I nodded in response and watched him leave and jump into the portal then disappeared a few minutes later I turned around to face Arihiko and Jin smiling at them.

"I'll meet you guys at Aqua village, be careful here and hope to see you with the Host of sand." Jin nodded and smiled and held Cerise's hand tightly when we first got here the first person we bumped into was Jin's Boyfriend, Cerise a six foot three body builder and warrior of Bloody Desert. At first we were confused when Jin almost immediately left and followed Cerise to somewhere else while Blood just stared daggers into Cerise like he was a pest, he later told us about how he and Jin used to live in Bloody Desert but had to leave when Hunters cam and invaded the place for new recruits.

I hated how Dark Master's pawns could just go where ever they want just to make havoc to other homes and take anyone they want from their homes and then train them just for his own use like he thought of them as robots or tools just so he could get what he wants! Sigh....alright enough of this I have to get to Aqua village now otherwise I'll just be wasting my time here. I turned towards the gate and did what Blood told me then jumped into the portal as it appeared, the feeling of being in a portal was almost like riding on a roller coaster ride next thing I know I'm on the ground groaning from the pain of the impact as I hit the ground.

"Well took you long enough, your Highness." I looked up to see who the young male voice belonged to then groaned again as I saw who it is, Jackson Sparks, he had short blonde hair with green/blue eyes, tanned skin, twenty-two and was just a few inches shorter than me. The last I saw of him was in one of my missions when Haku and I had to work along side a few warriors from Aqua village and help out with a few robbers who stole some important scrolls from the River temple, me and Jack never got along with each other during the few months we had to stay just so we could find the bloody robbers! Those were not fun times.....AT ALL!!!

"Jack....the fuck you want?" I got up dusting myself off and glared daggers at Jack while he just snickered and smirked at me.

"Aw...still mad about that time I kicked your butt while we were training TEN times in a row? HA! you're only two years older than me and you can't even pin me down! I feel sorry for you."

"Humph! That doesn't matter now, why are you here Jack? Or are you here just to fight me again so I could humiliate you?" Jack just gave me a fake hurt expression while gasping and putting a hand on his chest.

"I'm hurt, Aidan I can't believe you think I would do that to you! And no i'm not here for that, Big Sis is waiting for you in the meeting hall for the Legend Hosts....she knew you were coming. So she sent me to get you so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd, since it's Thursday it's always a busy day with the markets and other stuff so come on!" I followed Jack through the village gates which were open widely for anyone to come into the village and the streets were almost crowded with people either with shopping stalls or other people shopping for the many different good that was being sold to the crowd.

Then someone bumped me roughly on the shoulder almost making me fall backwards I turned to yell at the person who rudely bumped into me, but was gone like he disappeared in thin air, Jack called out to me trying to hurry me up. after one last glance wondering where the stranger went I just shrugged it off and followed after Jack again heading towards the Palace.

Anonymous Character

Well now that the message is sent all I have to do is wait for the call, I watch as Aidan hurries after another guy heading towards the Aqua village palace which was in the heart of the village, I pressed a finger to my earpiece activating it and calling the Leader. "What?!" It seemed I must have caught her at a bad time, either that or her mate was once again making love with her not that I have a problem with that though I just still can't get used to the feeling she already found her mate.

"I gave it to Aidan like you asked, sorry was I interrupting something between you and Kuro?"

"Ugh...yeah, you really have great timing don't you? note the sarcastic tone in my voice." Heh. Yeah well I an't apologizing for ruining your fun with him. "But besides that good job, the blood moon should be a few days away and Aidan's still busy I presume?"

"Yes, even though he'll find them sooner with the transporters I'll find a way to stall him if you want."

"Hmm....if you have to then go ahead, but of course knowing you you'd do it anyway whether it was or wasn't necessary."

"Well that's how I got my name didn't I?"


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