Chapter Two: The Other Wing

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Hello everybody! Sorry for the long delay, but yeah you know how school is and a lot of homework to the updates might come up a bit slower. So for now enjoy my

Razor's Scythe on the>>>>

Aidan's P.O.V

We finally arrived at Bloody desert after three days of traveling from Inferno city, mostly because of the bandits and thieves trying to take any valuables from us and when we were trying to leave the city Scar took a while saying his goodbyes to Arihiko......yeah never again am I going to just wait for Arihiko that long. It would have been useful yo have Scar come with us and fight along with us, but I don't think I would be able to handle the restless nights that might come from those two, I know that they love each other and such but I would rather sleep in peace.

Jin went elsewhere hanging out with an old 'friend' making up for lost time, Blood has gone to get something that could find the rest of the Seven quickly, well I mean Six since Bonnie will be found after we find the others. And me? I'm just in a hotel room lying on my back staring up at the ceiling feeling troubled and almost numb from everything that's happened so far, Bonnie leaving, having nightmares about the day of the attack in Victoria every night and losing everything that I've built and loved for so long. It was all my fault and those haunting nightmares always remind me about it every night when I sleep, reminds me what I lost and makes me relive those horrific events.

A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts and back to reality, Arihiko poked his head in behind the door looking at me with curiosity in his eyes I smiled at him and let him come into the room. "Hey, Aidan! Are you busy or anything?"

"No, not at all I was thinking. Something wrong Arihiko?"

"Oh, well's just kind of boring since everyone else is pretty busy with other stuff I've become pretty board at doing nothing so far!" Arihiko huffed in frustration then plopped down on the bed next to me, sitting up crossed legged staring out the balcony window in the far right side of the room we stayed silent for a while then Arihiko broke the silence. "So um...I know it's kind of late to ask this, but what happened to Master Haku? I couldn't find his scent after I found you half dead."

I swallowed hard as a painful lump formed in my throat as Arihiko mentioned Haku's name and pain shot in my heart as the horrible memory flashed in my mind that will forever stay engraved in my brain, I got up and walked over to the balcony window staring up at the sky thinking how I should tell the news to Arihiko. " may not like this, but you should know what happened....."


I ran into the castle bursting through the gates shouting out commands to all the soldiers to find Bonnie knowing Arihiko might need help if he needed it, when most of the soldiers left to their duty Haku came down from his room upstairs looking at me with a questionable look with slight alertness in his eyes. He wore his silver amour with his sword in it's scabbard clutched in his right hand ready for any attack or action that might come, I walked over to him trying to calm my panic that tried to over take my senses. "Aidan, what's going on?"

"It's Bonnie! She left the village last night, she-"

"Wait.....she WHAT?!? You just let her LEAVE!!!" Haku cut me off before telling him the rest of what happened and left to go back up to his room to get something, I could tell he was mad as he stormed into his room and looked around the room for what he wanted and got out a bag. I stood in the middle of the room watching him pack his bag and I explained to him again of what happened last night.

"Haku please listen to me, Bonnie found out she was a Legend Host and she left filled with rage!" Haku stopped packing as I said this and looked at me with a blank expression, but even so I could see the anger burning in his red eyes then he slowly walked over to me trying to keep composed and calm.

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