Chapter Eight: Naming Ceremony

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Hello everyone, I hope your day has been better than mine cause for me it's been pretty depressing because of mock exams and such. But I'm gonna just write for you guys anyway since writing makes me feel a little calmer, enjoy everyone! :)

Kuro's P.O.V.

It's finally the night of the blood full moon, the naming Ceremony is happening tonight and here I am just lying in bed with my mate.....finally me and Bonnie are true mates after so long! I'm so happy that she's going to become a Hunter just like me I've been waiting for this day for so long and now here I am in bed with her!! I got out of bed slowly and quietly so I wouldn't woke Bonnie from her sleep, she looks even cuter when she's asleep! I stared at her for a while longer before walking towards the balcony to watch the sunrise, it's early in the morning and the sky is clear of clouds I smiled loving this peaceful feeling filling up inside me then suddenly my lion head tattoo on my right shoulder started flashing a little meaning Sirius was requesting my presence. I quickly got changed and left the room looking back at Bonnie one last time before closing the door quietly and letting her sleep, I made my way to the top of HQ on the roof and looked out at the sunrise then I closed my eyes concentrating then as I opened them I was in a different place, one I have not visited in a while. I was on a savanna landscape with trees, long yellow grass and rocks I stood in front of a cave then I heard footsteps moving towards me from inside the cave, out came Sirius. His golden blonde hair reached down to his mid back, olive skin, pricing light blue eyes, he also had a few different animal parts on him too. Wolf ears that had silver fur which made a slight contrast to his blonde hair, a tail of a lion and his lower half was of hind legs of a mountain goat, yeah I know weird combination right?

Sirius smiled showing his wide toothy grin, exposing his fangs. "Well I'm glad you made it, Kit." I rolled my eyes as he called me by my childhood nickname he gave me since the first time I met him.

"What is it Sirius? I'm a little busy, I have to help with the preparation of the Naming Ceremony soon. Plus can you stop calling me Kit?! I'm 22 for Pete's sake!"

"Awwww, why  so serious little Kit? Just a few moments ago you were feeling quite happy, and I'm not just talking about you, but also you're little friend." Sirius winked at me making me growl in annoyance and rubbing my temples feeling a headache starting in my head. "Okay, I'll just cut to the chase then I'm here to inform you that Six of the Legend Hosts have been gathered and are staying in Aqua Village, I can sense their presence in the village and their powers are being used. That's how I can tell they are there." I nodded at Sirius's information wondering if it was a warning or a little news flash to let me know, either way I already knew what they were up to, they are preparing themselves for the war that's coming. I thanked Sirius for the news and returned to the real world and I'm back on the roof, I headed towards the main hall wondering if anyone needed some help with anything.....finally after so long the wait will soon be over as Bonnie will soon become a Hunter, and Shadow will finally rise from her long sleep.

Bonnie's P.O.V.

I awoke after a while stretching but didn't feel Kuro at my side I then remembered that he was helping the others with the Ceremony today, I finally get to be a Hunter!! I just can't wait for it to happen! When I finally got out of bed while staying in there for almost half an hour I got changed into a fresh Hunters uniform and headed out of the room I tried to find Xekmnus hoping he could help me kill some time by training with me. As I arrived at the practice battle fields there were many first rank Hunters students battling each other in pairs, I watched all the different groups fought each other trying hard not to give into their opponent, Xekmnus stood on a platform that was attached to the ceiling looking down at all of the students watching all of them. Xekmnus was one of the teachers who helps with battle techniques, weapon training and close combat skills, Xekmnus has taught me all three of those categories for a while now, and I'm glad that I was a quick learner since I was used to battling and fighting on the field. I walked up the stairs to the platform heading towards Xekmnus, he lifted his head up and looked at me smiling as I approached him he gave me a curt nod and looked back at the students fighting. "So, what are you here for? I thought you would be with Kuro in his bed?"

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