CHP 1~

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The Kingdom of Cylon . One of the richest and biggest kindoms in the dynasty was ruled by Hwang XXXX . He was one of the kindest and loveliest people in the whole Royal Family . Helping everyone was in his nature . The mercy he had for people could not be known better than the people of Cylon. He was a great King . But someone wished for him to be a great father . He despised the King more than his enemies. If he had the chance to turn everything upside  down he would do it without any doubt .
The One and Only


The 2nd Prince of Cylon 

One of the most heartless and cruel prince born in the history of Cylon. He would order to kill a bird who came and sat on a branch near him. He would gave no mercy to no anyone. No one was innocent for him . He despised everyone and mostly himself . He would sit by lake of the town and wouldn't allow anyone to come near not even the King himself. The only person he allowed to get near him was his elder brother. The only person who stayed by his side . The words he would pierce in a string always made Hyunjin wonder how his brother was and how he is . Instead of taking advantage of his younger brother misery he encouraged him to do what's right and what's wrong.

He is non other then The

  Hwang In Yeop

The eldest son and crown prince of Cylon

A/n : Hey everyone hope you doing well. Plzz enjoy . Feel free to comment your ideas . I would love  to read it . Stay safe and healthy. DREAM WELL. I love you . Vote also . I am just 15 years feel free to tell me my mistakes in the book . THANKYOU💝

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