CHP 4~

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When Hyunjin entered the chamber he was shooked to see the 1st queen instead of the king Seulgi. (I am sorry reveluvs for making  seulgi like that when she is my bias😭)

Seulgi was the first queen of The king and the mother of In yeop. She was a scandalous women. Sleeping with man even after the wedding with king didn't even matter to her.

All mattered to her was power and money. After In yeop was born shortly the king caught seulgi making out with with a royal guard.

He was furious . But was also greedy for power.

"WOW , just wow . Are you that needy that u can not even control yourself? Huhh" The king angrily yelled . " I know that you don't love me . You needed me for a heir to the Kingdom" Seulgi stated smirking.

The King's eyes widen at the sentence. He stood up and sprinted to Seulgi . Before Seulgi could react the king had grasped her in his hold .

" How do you know that??" The King asked. Instead he got chuckle from the 1st queen . She removed his hand and stood up straight . She went near to the King's ear ." I heve my ways . Anyways your secret is save with me until you let me do anything ." She whispered while smirking. The king stood astonished.

She backed away and dusted the non existing dust on the suit of king ." I need you to ruin the kimgdom of Xylo so that my father can have it." She stated." Father will give you half of the piece of the kingdom."

The king give it a thought and was bout to say no but evil desires don't go away so easily. " Half piece of a kingdom and more people means more power.Mmm." he thought .

"Interesting." king said . "Its interesting indeed ." She spoke . He agreed to the deal and decided to get married to Katherine.

Back to Hyunjin ( lol):

"What are you doing here??" Hyunjin asked. "Well, i want to tell you tht your mother has been killed by some assassins" Seulgi spoke with fake sympathy. She is great actor.

Again Hyunjin got numb on the mention of his mother. His straight shoulder now bowed down . He felt like dying. He didn't said anything ."2nd prince??Back to earth" the 1st queen ordered.

Before Hyunjin could answer she spoke again." You would be wondering that it was your father . No Hyunjin." This was the first time someone took his name other than his mother ,Irene and In yeop.

He quikly got his head up. " The assassins were very clever . They wore the suit prepared for your father before killing ypur mother. They are on a loose right now but will soon be caught." She spoke.

Hyunjin wanted to believe her tht assasains killed his mother and not the king himself. Soon some yelling of a crowd was heard and everyone was called to the royal court.

Both Hyunjin and seulgi went on the orders  to the court room. Annocement was being made by the king himself.

"Stand still!!The Majesty is coming Now!!" The royal maiden shouted. Not long after the king came and sat on the throne with Irene on his 2nd left and Seulgi on his right. Katherine sat on the 2nd one. In yeop on seulgi's 2nd right and Hyunjin right beside Irene.

Whispers were heard about the 2nd queen's absence. "O my!! The 2nd queen is not here" "where is she??". "Is she not well??" ." Calm down eveyone" said by the manual speaker a.k.a the guard.

"As you all can see the 2nd queen isn't present here with all of us . Alas! We have lost the 2nd queen because of some assassins that broke in the palace during the war the previous days." The king stated.  " i will ask for peace from the people of Xylo to stop the war." He further added. "That's it you all can leave now ". King straightforwardly said.

People started going out of the palace as soon as heard the orders . He looked at Seulgi with his peripheral vision who was smirking. Somewhere he felt bad for doing this but his greed for power was enough to crush everything.

In yeop was shocked at the announcement of 2nd queens dead. He thought he heard it wrong but the feeling in his gut was telling him that there were no assassins and Katherine was killed by the king himself.
He thought Hyunjin doesn't knew anythingas he is still a child. He also promised himself to never talk bout hsi mother to him.

Timeskip to night

Hyunjin kept tossing and turning on his bed but couldn't sleep .Frustrated the young latter sat on his bed. That's when someone entered . At first he thought it was Katherine but seeing Irene he somehow felt disappointed.

"I know Hyunjin. You can't sleep alone. Come " she opened her arms wide hoping for the child to come. The child didn't waste any second and waddled to his aunt.

Afer a few minutes "Hyunjin , you know you are going to have a sister soon" . She spoke softly. The child opened is eyes and sat on the bed. Irene startled on the sudden movement. "What??Are you serious??" The child ask in disbelief.

Irene couldn't help but smile as she saw how his eyes lit up on the news."Yes!!!Soon you are going to be a big brother . You can take to a walk in the garden and you can also protect too" Irene said.

Hyunjin got so happy that he started doing his little happy dance . Seeing that Irene chuckled . "I will do my best to keep tou happy Hyunjin. I promise" she thought.

Both were happy and eventually went to sleep but what they didn't knew was that nothing was going to be right cause fate had different plans for them

"I see, I will have to use the painful way now" someone chuckled darkly. A mysterious shadow eve dropped and suddenly vanished into the darkness

A/n : Hey everyone hope you like this chapter. It's quite long ig. But no worries Thank you so much @maryamfaisal999 for loving the book . I hope you enjoy. Till then stay safe  and healthy.

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