CHP 9~

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(New update)....
"Just now" the voice said. "I saw you getting on the horse. It was so cool. Teach me too . Please" yeji pleaded as hyunjin chuckled lightly looking at her. "Come" was all hyunjin said.

Both shared a beautiful bond . Hyunjin being a protective bro to yeji and yeji making fun of hyunjin for being so protective towards her even though her guards were always be there.

"Felix , Can you get another horse for yeji??" Hyunjin said. "Of course. My majesty. The Princess majesty can chose any one of horses ". Felix responded with a bow. "Really Oppa ???" She asked." Yes my Majesty " Felix said in a low yet respectful tone.

"I want this one" yeji pointed to a horse. Who was standing at the corner of the stable all alone . It was a beautiful horse. A black friesian. His tall hair on the hooves stand out the most . Tall hair around his head made him look alot more beautiful.

"Uhm i am afraid my majesty . I can't let you ride that one" Felix hesitatingly said. " Why not Oppa???" Yeji asked with a small frown on her face. "Uhm it's that i-the horse is not well. Yeah the horse is not well " Felix said nervously . "Ohhh " yeji said. "You can ride some other horse . Their are so many" hyunjin finally spoke .

"Hmm okay " yeji said sounding a bit disappointed. They both did horse riding and went back in the palace to have their dinner.

After dinner everyone greeted a good night to eachother and left for their chambers instead of one.

Instead of going to his chamber he went to his comfort place. His mother's chamber...

He opened the door and closed it behind him . He walked to the bed which had nothing but dust and his memories with his mother. He sat down on the dusty bed which made a creak sound proving how old the bed's wood was.

He was staring on the ground for a while . His mind clouded with his mother's smiles and talks. He finally ended the staring contest with the floor and observed the room .

The room was dusty and had spider webs all around the corners. Everything in the room was either on the edge of breaking or was broken. His eyes roamed a while when it got stucked on a familiar chair .

He weakly smiled and stood from the bed and sat down on the dirty floor right next to the chair. He put his hand on the handrest of the chair and let his tears slip that he had been trying so hard to not let it out. He sobbed and sniffed but didn't said a word.

Instead of the warmth on the handrest of his mother he just found dust and coldness. An emptiness surrounded him . He was neither lonely nor alone. He just felt faded at that moment .

He remembered what his mother would tell him whenever he had a rough day.


Little hyunjin had a fight with some people in the playground. He ran to his mother while his tears streamed down on his chubby cheeks.

"Mommy ! Mommy !!!" Hyunjin yelled entering her mother's chamber. The queen who was peacefully drinking her evening tea got startled on the sudden commotion.

" O My!! Hyunjin sweetie what happened?? Why are you crying??" His mother asked concerned. "Mommy those kids in the playground called me a piggy. I am not a piggy" Hyunjin said with a cute pout and sat down on the floor next to his mother's chair.

"O My hyunjin . Those kids said right!!!  you are a piggy . They just didn't told you about one part " his mother said softly. "No i am not ." He said with hmmph.

His mother laughed on seeing her son like that. She asked him to come on her lap and kissed his cheeks softly. "They meant to say that you are a cute piggy. " his mother told him .

Hyunjin's once teary eyes sparkled on hearing his mother's remark "You are right Mommy . I am a cute piggy " Hyunjin happily said giving a kiss on his mother's cheeks .

He stood up and stared doing a little dance while constantly muttering " i am a cute piggy " " i am a cute piggy" . Katherine laughed on seeing her son being all happy over a single a remark .

She always wished to stay with her son to see his happiness but fate had other plans.

End of flashback:

"you are right mother . I am your cute little piggy " Hyunjin said looking at the chair where once his mother sat . "Please come back Ma . Hyunjin promises to be a good boy . Please come back . He misses you. Now there is no one to tell me i am a cute piggy" He beggingly pleaded to his mother with his teary eyes.

If i had the chance to turn everything around i would do it without any hesitation. 
Let's meet in the next life Ma.
I love you.

A/n : hey guys I am back . Lmao  i am not dead. I actually had forgot the plot twist lol  . Sorry for that. But lets give the story a twist with a new plot twist . Till then stay safe and healthy. DREAM WELL . I LOVE YOU .💜💜💜✨⚘🌷🌷


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