CHP 2~

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Hwang hyunjin would  have been the only child of the King if it wasn't for the king marrying a visicious woman. She always wanted fame and money . The King himself was a greedy person. The love for his power was insane. He hid it all under the tag of his kind demaneor . The King married 3 times only to kill his 2nd and 3rd wife . Both the wifes were the princesses of Xylo .

The neighbouring kingdoms . The 2nd wife was killed  by the king himself and started a war with kindom of Xylo . In which his 3rd wife tried to leave and help her kingdom resulting in the king to kill her by a conspiracy  . Hyunjin saw it all . He maybe 4 years old that time but he saw it all . He saw how his father killed her mother ( i know how confusing this is lol) He tried everything to stop his father but his father wouldn't stop at any cost. " Father please stop . Don't do it please father . I beg you." The small kid pleaded his father. "You are also a bitch like your mother . Go die". He pushed the child away and hit him with the stick in the chamber .

He even asked his grandfather for help the old king but he just pushed him away . " i can't do anything. I can't stop what the King has started"."WHY?? JUST STOP HIM BEFORE HE KILLS MY MOTHER" the young latter yelled. Instead he got slapped for disrespecting the former king .

He didn't said anything and ran to the chamber where he lost the ability to stand . Wht was in front of hyunjin? It was  His mother  . The person whom he loved more than the anything was now lying lifeless with blood oozing out of her now lifeless body. Hyunjin felt like his whole world shattered . He dropped to the ground and started crying hysterically.

That's when someone came and wrapped his arms around him only to find that the person his non other than his step brother In Yeop. He came running after accidentally eyedropping his grandfather .


After hyunjin left the chamber of former king . He called a guard and asked for hangman to come . " That bitch will throw a tantrum if he found we killed the 2nd queen for power. Could you not throw that little rascal out when killed Katherine??" The former King yelled to his son. " I didn't knew he would be there when i was getting rid of the problem i got." The king non chalentely stated.

In yeop was returning to his chamber after checking the injured in the battle ground. He wanted his father to stop the war and form peace. That's when he heard some yelling . He froze on the mention of the 2nd queen dead.

He turned around and ran to Katherine's chamber. When he reached he saw his younger brother balling his eyes out and his mentor lying dead . He ran and wrap his arms around hyunjin .

End if flashback

When hyunjin saw it's In yeop he didn't hesitate to hug him back and cry . All hyunjin was do can cry . He wanted to know why his father did it.

He stood up and ran to his chamber and locked it up . In yeop tried to talk to him . "Hyunjin! Plzzz talk to me. Don't do this to yourself please!!. I beg you" . After getting no response In yeop had no choice but to leave .

Hyunjin threw everything on the ground and and slid down the wall . He could not do anything except to cry. He felt like a trash to not being able to protect his mother.

He wanted to take revenge on each of the one  involed in his mother's death . His father. His grandfather and everyone who was there. Even the guards who brought that sword to his father. The guards who brought liquor for the king the time before his mother's death.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door of the chamber. "Go away Crown prince. I don't want to meet anyone right now. Leave me alone" . He yelled. But instantly calm down after hearing the next words. " Hyunjin. Sweetie it's me . Your aunt Irene."

Irene was the sister of Katherine and the 3rd wife of the King. After his mother he was the most closest to either In yeop or Irene. She was a mother figure to both . In yeop and Hyunjin.

When she found out his sister was killed by some assassins that broke into the castle . She was devastated. But instead of staying by the side of her now dead sister. She ran . To someone she knew would be in more pain then  her. To Hyunjin.

"Open the door 2nd prince don't do this to yourself. Please". She begged hoping for hyunjin to open . Hyunjin when heard those words he couldn't control himself and her to come in. When Irene entered her heart shattered on the sight . Hyunjin was hugging his knees and crying his heart out . Everything was broken in his room . His face was puffy and eyes were red

Irene ran to hyunjin and hugged him tight . She kissed his temple . Hyunjin instantly feel the warm he lost when he saw his dead mother . Irene did her best to calm down the child . Once he calm down she fed her and  put her to sleep.

She told the guards to not let anyone enter except In yeop or herself. " I won't let you suffer anymore Hyunjin . I promise". She held her necklace in hand . The painful eyes she had ws enough for anyone to know she is not okay.

A/n : heyy everyone. Hope you doing well . Saty safe and healthy. Don't forget to vote for it . THANK YOU💓💕

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